Bible Prophecy Year
of 360 Days

Seven Simple Steps
Biblical Basis for the 40-year Cycles
 | Review of 40th cycle: |
The 6th cycle of 6
years is followed by a 7th cycle only
4 years long---for a total of 40 years, (a " generation" in the
bible). (6 x 6 = 36 years, + 4 years = 40 years.) The effect is to put emphasis upon the 6th and 7th
cycle since the 6th cycle of 6
years precedes the special seventh cycle of only 4
years, which in turn concludes the 40-year cycle.
Biblical Precedents:
40-year cycles:
This formula highlights the creation pattern of the seventh day as set
apart as special. Moreover, a period of 40 or 100 years is
considered to be a generation
in the bible. (The significance of the 100 years appears in the 4th and 5th 'steps'.) The bible
frequently mentions 40-year periods. The 40 years the Israelites spent in the
wilderness after they came out of Egypt is particularly pertinent to our study.
The exodus from Egypt was in 1446 BC. God said that that year was to be the
beginning of a new calendar for them, (Ex. 12:2). Events thereafter were dated
from the exodus until at least the time of king Solomon.
For instance, "in the 40th year" (after the exodus)
the Israelites entered the promise land (Deut. 1:3). Moses was 80 years
old at the exodus. He had just spent 40 years in the desert, and before
that---40 years in Egypt, (Acts 7:23-30). He died in the "the 40th
year," (after the exodus, Num. 33:38). Thus, Moses life was divided into 3
equal periods of 40 years.
King Solomon began to build the temple "in the
480th year" (after the exodus, 1Kg. 6:1). Now, 480 equals 12 x 40
years, or 12 generations. Solomon himself reigned 40 years, as did his
father David, and King Saul before him. Many more examples could be
given, but the point is this: The ongoing 40-year cycles of the
360-prophetic calendar are clearly found in the bible; and moreover,
they begin at the start of a new calendar reference point inaugurated at
the exodus, (Ex. 12:2). Even more significantly, the conception/birth of
Christ is exactly 36 (6 x 6) generations later, or 36 x 40 years, or 360
x 4. (I.e., from 1446 to 6 BC). Both 36, 4, 360,
and 40 are prime calendar
numbers. Many more examples could be cited, but we will reserve that to
our discussion of the numeric patterns that the 360-calendar
produces---later on.
 | 'Seventh' cycles: |
The use of various seven year cycles is very common in the bible. They occur
as cycles of seven days (Gen. 1-2, etc.), weeks (Deut. 16:9), years
(Lev. 25:8), and even tens of years (Dan. 9:24). Likewise, the last 4
years of the 40 year calendar cycle has 7 x 7 (49) months in it (1470
days), with the 49th month being the 7th leap month of the
40 year cycle! (6 cycles of 6 years = 36 years, plus the 7th cycle of 4
years = 40 years.) Even at this rudimentary level, the biblical patterns of the
prophetic calendar are as obvious as they are striking.
The following scripture will suffice as an example of the seventh
of some given time periods as being special in the bible:
"Therefore the sons of Israel shall keep the
Sabbath (lit. "the Seventh"), to observe the Sabbath throughout their
generations (i.e., "40-years"), for an everlasting covenant. It is a sign between Me and the sons of Israel forever. For in
six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the
seventh day He rested, and was refreshed," (Ex.
This 40-year-generational cycle, based upon the creation pattern, is
the basic unit of prophetic calendar time. One would be hard pressed to
invent a calendar from their own imagination with an invented orbit of
the earth that would be truer to the biblical pattern. And yet this
simple formula for calendar adjustment is not only accurate to true
time, but produces an unimaginable complex array of biblical patterns.
However, before the details are addressed, let us increase the accuracy
level to that of our own modern (Gregorian) year of 365.2425 days and
see what happens.
To step
Our Modern (Gregorian) year of 365.2425 days
(Also see the more
accurate 3840 cycle
which breaks away from this twin calendar at this point.)
A quick note for those familiar with bible numbers:
The "6th cycle of 6 years" arrangement
is very striking since there are 6 x 60 days in each year---(plus
the 6 leap months over this 6 x 6-year period). Moreover,
upon every 6th cycle of 40-years (i.e., every 6th 'generation')
there accumulates 42 leap months, or 1260 days, (cf., Rev.
There are 7 x 360 days, [i.e., 7 years, or 1260
x 2 days], accumulated in leaps months over a 480-year period---the very
number given by King Solomon as before mentioned, (1Kg. 6:1). Hence, in
486 or 486½ years, 1260 + 1290 days are
accumulated. This solves the Dan. 9:27 with Dan. 12:11 mystery, not to
mention the 390 of Ezekiel 4 and the 1260 of Rev.
Each 40-year period has 13350 + 1260
days in it thereby indicating that the meaning of the last four years of
the 40-year cycle is to be understood as a type of 3½-year period. This
solves the thematic connection between the 40-years Israelites
wilderness wandering with the 3½-year wilderness of Rev. 12. (Also, the
entire calendar starts from both the Nisan and Tishri months
creating a 6 month parallel.)
In 1000 years ("a day is as a 1000
years"), 1290 + 1335 x 2 days are accumulated in leap
months! (Dan. 12:11-12).
The lunar calendar uses the 2300 of Dan. 8:14
to divide the 'day' (1000 years) into the ancient '8 parts' of the Roman
day---as was used in the New Testament. The reverse system of 'a 1000
years is as a day,' manifests in the latter levels of the prophetic
calendar, as does the biblical 'one-day-equals-one-year' reckoning.
Back to
"Step One"