The 365-day year lags behind the more accurate 365.25 year by one
day every four years. (365.25 less 365 = .25, or a quarter of a day. Therefore,
in 4 years one whole day accumulates since four quarters of a day
equals one whole day.) To correct this problem, Julius Caesar ordered
that upon every fourth year a 'leap day' be added to their 365-day year.
This average year of 365.25 days was introduced about 45 BC, but God
delayed its consistent use until about the birth of Jesus Christ as a
sign that "the fullness of time" had come, Gal. 4:4. (Here
is a good site about the origins of the Julian calendar.)
We still use an updated version of the Julian calendar today.
The amount
of days in a Julian year calculated
365 days x 4 years = 1460 days, + 1 leap day =
1461 days.
divided by 4 years = 365.25 days in a Julian year |
The 365.25 day-year is also the accuracy level of the main cycle
of the 360-prophetic calendar.
Thus, the 6th cycle of 6
years is followed by a 7th cycle only
4 years long---for a total of 40 years, (a "generation" in the
bible). (6 x 6 = 36 years, + 4 years = 40 years.) The effect is to
place emphasis upon the 6th and 7th
cycle since the 6th cycle of 6
years precedes the special seventh cycle of only 4
years, which in turn concludes the 40-year cycle.
This concludes the first three of seven 'steps.' The 40-year
cycle is foundational to the prophetic calendar. These 3 'steps' increased in
accuracy from a simple 360-day average year to a 365, and then to
a 365.25. You will find that the rhyme and reason for 90% of time-related
numbers in the bible are resolved by applying this calendar to your study. The
remaining 10% are illumined by the last 4 'steps' of increased accuracy.
Fortunately, the remaining steps are even more easy to learn.
Or skip this discussion and go straight to Step
"Matching Our Modern (Gregorian)
Year of 365.2425 Days"
Or, click here to learn more about
biblical precedent for the 40-year cycle.

1. New-years day of Nisan (Abib) 1st (morning) of the 360
calendar landed on April 9, 1446 BC (Gregorian calendar, but which
was April 22 Julian). (April 9th on the conventional Jewish calendar
that year was about Nisan 11.) The Julian day # is 1193382. (That day,
therefore, symbolized as AD 1 as explained
later.) (Note: after writing this is was
realized that 30 days earlier, that is, March 10, 1446 BC, is the primary
date for when the New Year began even though April 9th is indeed aligned
with the the Creation. Please see, "How to find any date on the
360-calendar" for details and important table of dates explained.)
2. The 4000-year cycles began in 4006 BC at the
Creation and again when they entered Egypt
in 1446 BC. (Nisan 1 on the 360 calendar in 4006 BC
falls on, or about, the spring equinox, March 21 Gregorian, which is
April 22 Julian, which happens to be Nisan 1 on the regular Jewish
calendar {as well as the 360 calendar}, which makes it a new moon!
{Julian #258342.} The new moon, the spring equinox, and the start of the
360 calendar are therefore perfectly aligned with this Creation date to
signal 'a new beginning'. However, it is my personal view that this date
is merely symbolic for the Creation, and that the actual Creation date
may be something
Note that both Creation ( 4006 BC) and the Exodus (1446 BC, see note #1)
run along the same 40-year cycles.
The first 4000-year cycle ends at about the time of the
conception of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ in 6 BC, (Julian
#1719312, March 21 Gregorian, 23rd Julian). There are 64
generations/cycles of 40 years that pass between the Creation and the
Exodus, and once again, 64 is a square-root
figure, that is, 8 x 8, (or 8 x 8 x 8 x 5 years = 2560
years). Fittingly, the number "eight" in the bible symbolizes
"a new beginning", with 2560 years being about how many days
there are in a seven-year period, hence memorializing the Creation that
took place in "seven days" --- a year for each day.
Observe that an overlap
of one month (30 days), therefore, occurs between the years 6 BC and AD
2555 (2560 years). This is because the 4000-calendar from the Exodus
will not complete its first cycle until AD 2555 thereby being ahead of
the Creation-calendar by one leap-month all during this 2560-year span.
This means that currently, and for the next 560 years, there is a
one-month gap between the two calendars.
The creation date is not based upon biblical
chronology, although it is certainly in the right ballpark. The creation
date of 4006 BC is mainly based upon the deduction that a calendar from
creation should both weave into the time of the exodus and
the birth of Christ, and this one does both exceedingly
well. However, the exodus date is the only calendar date that is clearly
established by the bible itself. The creation date is only inferred,
although strongly so. For more about this, and why the exodus date, see,
Year are We in According to the 360 Calendar?"
Concerning the 3840-year cycles, I have come to
favor the 4000-year cycles for its simplicity over the 3840-cycles, and
simplicity is important for a calendar. After that are the 100,000-year
cycles. Thus, 40 and 4000 and 100,000-year
cycles. Beyond that I may have gone too far. I
may yet put all other information on this website in archive. I am
not as convinced of the 3840 cycles as I once was. It works just like I
said, but it lacks simplicity, something I underestimated for
significance. Also, when the calendar gets into cycles that run into the
trillions of years, the symmetry exhibited might largely be due
to the quirks of numbers. Numbers can do strange things by their very
nature! See, "What
Year are We in According to the 360 Calendar?"
3. You may find it interesting that the great tsunami
that killed 300,000 on Dec. 26, 2004 was 1,260,000 days (Rev. 12) from
Nisan 14 (360-calendar) of the Passover of the Exodus, and eve of the
10th plague upon Egypt. Click
here for more on that.