Bible-Prophecy Year
of 360 Days

Steps 1 of 3 of the basic 40-year cycle
There are
only three simple steps or stages of increasing accuracy
that must be learned.
Once learned, 90% of all prophetic study to do with times
and seasons will be understood.
Nevertheless, the remaining steps of our calendar study are the most fascinating.
Step 1: Prophetic year of 360 days: (Non-adjusted)
(One-year cycles)
Many believe that the 360 prophetic calendar should
not be adjusted by leap months at all, but rather should be left to simply lag behind the solar year by
the difference of 5.2422 days per
year. (365.2422 less 360 = 5.2422 days.) But clearly this is not the whole story.
God both adjusts and does not
adjust the 360 calendar to the true solar year. There are seven
major adjustments. Only the first three are crucial to understand. These
adjustments occur in increasing levels of accuracy. Each level interacts
with the other.
Simple One-year
12 months in a year, 30 days in a month,
360 days in a year.
In 6 years there are 360 x 6 = 2160
days; and in 1000 years 360,000 days, etc.
The 360
calendar is simply left to lag behind the actual solar year. |
Our Approach:
It conveniently happens that, general speaking, each successive
civilization utilized a round figure for a solar year that is in agreement with
the successive complexities of our 360 Prophetic Calendar. For instance,
the Egyptians used an round 365-day year, the Romans a 365.25-year, our
modern Gregorian calendar has a 365.2422-year. The prophetic 360-calendar
utilizes these approximate solar years too, but ultimately surpasses them
on its course toward perfection. As we journey in our examination of the
Prophetic Calendar, we
will do so one step at a time with each step paralleling
the progress of ancient civilizations in their effort towards a more
accurate clock (calendar).
of the basic 40-year cycle:

Also see, "What Year
are We in According to the 360 Calendar?"