Bible Prophecy
of 360 Days

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Seven Simple Steps
Step 4
Step 4: The Modern (Gregorian) year of 365.2425
(4000-year cycles)
The 360-day prophetic calendar must add 7 leap months every 40
years, with the leap month on the 4000th year omitted,
in order to keep in perfect synchronization with the sun. This will
produce an accuracy level exactly the same as our modern (Gregorian)
calendar of 365.2425 days.
The leap month of the 100th cycle of the
40-year cycles must be omitted
100 cycles of 40 years = 4000
14,610 days in a 40-year cycle,
with 30 days less on the 100th cycle equals 1,460,970 days in
4000 years.
1,460,970 days divided by 4000
years equals an average year of 365.2425. |
The bible speaks of 40 years in the wilderness and 400 years in
Egypt, so now we have 4000-year cycles. Moreover, a generation in the
bible was 40
or 100 years. So now we have 40 times 100 years ( = 4000 years)!
We have either 40 or 100 generations---depending on how one looks at
it. A generation of generations! Thus the theme of 'generational
cycles' continues. (Please see Endnote for exactly when the 4000-year
cycles begins.)
Moreover, 4000 years is commonly looked upon as symbolic of
just 4 days in bible prophecy using the familiar biblical ratio of
"a day is as a thousand years," (1Pet. 3:8, cf., Ps. 90:4).
For instance, it is commonly believed that Jesus Christ came into the
world about 4000 years from the creation according the biblical
chronological record. Thus, Christ was born at the end of this great
cycle---From the first Adam to the last Adam, (1Cor.
15:45). We are now half way through the second 4000 year cycle.
As said, the 4000-year cycles cause the average solar year to work
out to 365.2425 days, which is the same as our modern (Gregorian)
calendar. Now it 'happens' that scientists estimate that the solar
year was just that---365.24250 days around 4000 BC! (The average
length of a solar year is shrinking extremely slowly.) Hence,
the traditional year of creation just 'happens' to have had a solar
year of of exactly 365.2425 days---which generates these great
4000-year cycles, the first of which just 'happens' to have occurred
at the birth of Christ!
The following is quoted
off the Internet, "The Julian and the Gregorian
Calendar" by Peter Meyer. The highlighting is mine.)
"...All agree, however, that due to
the gravitational dynamics of the Sun-Earth-Moon system the length
of the tropical year (however defined) is changing slowly. The
length of the tropical year on 2000-01-01 is calculated by some
astronomers to be 365.24218967 days, but at this level of
precision the value depends on the definition of the concept. The
value changes significantly with the millennia, however, as
follows (according to a formula in common use among astronomers):
Year Length of tropical year in days
-5000 365.24253
-4000 365.24250
-3000 365.24246
-2000 365.24242
-1000 365.24237
0 365.24231
1000 365.24225
2000 365.24219
3000 365.24213
4000 365.24207
5000 365.24201 |
Thus the value of the tropical year varies
over this 10,000-year time-span by as much as .00052 days (about 45
Therefore, at the Creation, before sin and the curse, the tropical
year was 365.24250, but by our time 6000 years later (at the end of
the world?) it is now 365.24219. The difference between these two
numbers is extremely slight, but as we shall see, God is using both
numbers---that is, what the tropical year was originally created to
be, and what it is now. They are in fact two witnesses to the One who
created this clock. The prophetic clock uses both ends of this
6000-year spectrum.
The 365.2425 generates the said cycles of 4000 year periods.
However, the current 365.2422 days (rounded from 365.24219) generates
the need for 100,000-year cycles, or 1000 generations of 100 years. As
we shall see, this is a most significant number!
There are three ways of looking at the
All three are amazing! All three work together!
See 360-Bible Prophecy Calendar for details.
We will look at the still more precise
figure of 365.24218967 days in the second section of our
study. The 100,000 is a rounding off of the still more
accurate 96,000-year cycle. If we stick to round numbers, and
this is important for a calendar to be usable, then the
final 100,000 cycle is the route to go. However, if absolute
accuracy is what one desires, (and this is the flip side
of what a good calendar system must also have), then there are
two other methods to use. At any rate, all are true
representations of the 360-prophetic calendar.
Remember, the
purpose of the calendar is not to live by now, but is an aid
for grasping the eternal reign of Jesus, and a testimony to
His certain coming. It
is for this reason that either methods are correct. Moreover,
both methods interact with one another in a complex array of
patterns. Is it simplicity you want? Then stick to the
100,000-year method. Is it accuracy? Then see the 3840-method.
Is it a balance of both? Then there is the middle-of-the-road
approach where instead of 100,000 years, we have the more
accurate 96,000 years, etc. Either way, all are accurate and
all are symmetrically intertwined. (Click
here for the other two systems of adjustment.)
Nevertheless, when we say that the 100,000 cycle is 'less
accurate,' keep in mind that even at this lesser accuracy, it
still surpasses most (if not all) other calendars devised by
man! As a matter of fact, the solar year commonly given in the
scientific community is a rounded 365.2422, which is exactly
what the 100,000 cycle amounts to!
step 5:
"Surpassing the accuracy of our modern calendar
and setting our clock to 365.2422 days."

1. New-years day of Nisan (Abib) 1st
(morning) of the 360 calendar landed on April 9, 1446 BC
(Gregorian calendar, but which was April 22 Julian). (April 9th on the
conventional Jewish calendar that year was about Nisan 11.) The Julian
day # is 1193382. (That day, therefore, symbolized as AD
1 as explained
2. The 4000-year cycles began in 4006 BC at
the Creation and again when they entered Egypt
in 1446 BC. (Nisan 1 on the 360 calendar in 4006 BC
falls on, or about, the spring equinox, March 21 Gregorian, which is
April 22 Julian, which happens to be Nisan 1 on the regular Jewish
calendar {as well as the 360 calendar}, which makes it a new moon!
{Julian #258342.} The new moon, the spring equinox, and the start of
the 360 calendar are therefore perfectly aligned with this Creation
date to signal 'a new beginning'. However, it is my personal view that
this date is merely symbolic for the Creation, and that the actual
Creation date may be something
Note that both Creation ( 4006 BC) and the Exodus (1446 BC, see note
#1) run along the same 40-year cycles.
The first 4000-year cycle ends at about
the time of the conception of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ in 6
BC, (Julian #1719312, March 21 Gregorian, 23rd Julian). There are 64
generations/cycles of 40 years that pass between the Creation and the
Exodus, and once again, 64 is a square-root
figure, that is, 8 x 8, (or 8 x 8 x 8 x 5 years =
2560 years). Fittingly, the number "eight" in the bible symbolizes
"a new beginning", with 2560 years being about how many days
there are in a seven-year period, hence memorializing the Creation
that took place in "seven days" --- a year for each day.
Observe that an overlap
of one month (30 days), therefore, occurs between the years 6 BC and
AD 2555 (2560 years). This is because the 4000-calendar from the
Exodus will not complete its first cycle until AD 2555 thereby being
ahead of the Creation-calendar by one leap-month all during this
2560-year span. This means that currently, and for the next 560 years,
there is a one-month gap between the two calendars.
The creation date is not based
upon biblical chronology, although it is certainly in the right
ballpark. The creation date of 4006 BC is mainly based upon the
deduction that a calendar from creation should both weave into the
time of the exodus and the birth of Christ,
and this one does both exceedingly well. However, the exodus date is
the only calendar date that is clearly established by the bible
itself. The creation date is only inferred, although strongly so. For
more about this, and why the exodus date, see, "What
Year are We in According to the 360 Calendar?"
Concerning the 3840-year cycles, I
have come to favor the 4000-year cycles for its simplicity over the
3840-cycles, and simplicity is important for a calendar. After that
are the 100,000-year cycles. Thus, 40 and
4000 and 100,000-year cycles. Beyond that I may
have gone too far. I may yet put all other information on this
website in archive. I am not as convinced of the 3840 cycles as I
once was. It works just like I said, but it lacks simplicity,
something I underestimated for significance. Also, when the calendar
gets into cycles that run into the trillions of years, the symmetry
exhibited might largely be due to the quirks of numbers.
Numbers can do strange things by their very nature! See, "What
Year are We in According to the 360 Calendar?"
3. You may find it interesting that the
great tsunami that killed 300,000 on Dec. 26, 2004 was 1,260,000 days
(Rev. 12) from Nisan 14 (360-calendar) of the Passover of the Exodus,
and eve of the 10th plague upon Egypt. Click
here for more on that. (This third note has been adjusted by 30
days since it was written. However, the meaning is still the same,
just a little longer to explain. The symbolic day-year for the actual
day of the tsunami is the reason
why, and also see the above note.)
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