The First
Three of Sevens Reasons (IN DETAIL)
Why Y2K?
The following reasons are listed in increasing order of importance, but decreasing simplicity. Points 4 and 5 presupposes that the rest of the documents on the calendar have been read.
1.) On a personal level, the Holy Spirit revealed to me in the fall of 1998 that the then upcoming Y2K was to be a sign by God of both the delaying and hastening of time simultaneously in a way incomprehensible to man; of delaying---for the sake of saving souls, of hastening---for the sake of delivering His people up out of this world. At no point did I feel a witness that anything significant would occur in the world as a result of Y2K, but only that it was to be a sign of the looping (suspending) of time. It was also in the fall of 1998 that I completed the bulk of my seven year studies into the numbers that now turns out to simply be the wheels of this great prophetic clock. The prophetic calendar unifies the bible numbers by assembling all the wheels of the clock. The prophetic calendar is the "Grand Unifying Mechanism" for the bible numbers.2.) However, Y2K was hardly my own personal sign, but a universal one. It signified the looping of time (by the computers) as if that day were frozen in time---and the motions of the sun and moon constant in their orbits forever (instead of their slight but steady drift off). This is similar to that day when Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still until the battle was won (Josh. 10:12-14, cf. Isa. 38:8, Matt. 27:45, Luke 23:44.) However, whether Y2K was anything more than mere symbolism, rather than a literal warping of time in some way, I do not know. 3.) For practical purposes, Y2K is simply the best and obvious pick for setting the prophetic clock to since it was popularly viewed as the end of the second millennium. This point is self-evident since scientists chose this same day to fix their own calculations by also. (This can be verified by searching the internet for "365.2421896698"----and noting the Julian day number.) What other day than Y2K could possibly be a better choice? The day needed to be very recent other wise scientists could not ascertain with such exactness what that day might have been. For instance, if we say that Dec. 25, 1 BC, would have been the wiser choice, we run into a problem. It is impossible for scientists to figure out the orbiting speed (etc.) of that particular day since it was much too far back to tell with any where near the same exactitude. Hence, Y2K is the only logically choice since it is both recent (so as to establish the day accurately), and meaningful (in that it signified the end of the millennium). However, the fact that Y2K signified the end of the millennium, (or so it was popularly thought), and was an even 2,000 years after the traditional birth of Jesus, (actually 1,999 years after His circumcision on the 8th day), yet there are more weighty reasons in the numbers than this for Y2K being the best choice of days to reveal the length of the prophetic year.
See, "Reason Number Four (a & b)," to continue.
Also see Bible Numbers