Seven Reasons Why the Prophetic Solar Year 
is Set to the Day of Y2K

(In summary)




The bible says that a prophetic year is 360 days long.
As deduced from the bible, the average prophetic solar year is 365.2421896698 days. 
A "broadening cycle" is a cycle that is larger than its base cycle. For instance, the 4000-year cycle is a broader cycle than its smaller 40-year cycle, and the 96,000-year cycle is broader than it's 4000 cycle, etc.
Click here for, What does an "average" solar year mean?
When we speak of "millions of years," this does not mean that the earth itself has lasted, or will last, millions of years, but only that the prophetic clock gives the appearance of being eternal. The prophetic clock reveals the God of all ages, but not the age of God's Creation. The present heavens and earth may pass away within as little as 1000 years (Rev. 20; 21:1). 
Also see important note about how the geological ages fit in perfectly with the large cycles of the 4000-year calendar.



The question: 

Only one day since Creation perfectly agrees astronomically with what is the (average) prophetic solar year. This one day was Jan. 1st, AD 2000.1

As you might recall, Jan. 1st, AD 2000 was "Y2K-day." It was the day when the computer clocks around the world (unless corrected) went into a loop of time so that the year 2000 read incorrectly as AD 1900. Unless corrected, this will repeat itself every 100 years forever---never getting past the year 1999. "Y2K" cost billions of dollars to fix. Though no catastrophe occurred as predicted by many (not myself), nevertheless, the event served as a important sign. (We explain shortly).

When we say that there has only ever been one day that has astronomically agreed with the prophetic solar year, what we mean is this: According to scientists, the average speed of the earth on Y2K in its orbit around the sun (if constant at that speed forever) would take 365.2421896698 days to complete. (This is called, an average tropical solar year). Now it happens that this precise measurement of a solar year generates a calendar whose numeric patterns are identical with those repeatedly spoken of in the bible. Furthermore, these patterns emerge not only from this precise measurement of a solar year, but also from the measurement of the synodic month (at Y2K)---pegged at 29.5305888531 days! The odds of all this happening by random chance are nil. 

This is the prophetic calendar of which we are examining, and the question before us is: How is it that only the day of Y2K has the exact average orbiting speed of the earth around the sun whereby the resulting solar year (if made constant) would produce all the numerous numeric patterns in the bible?


The Answer:

First in summary (and then in detail):

(Answered in increasing order of importance and complexity); Y2K is the logical day to reveal the length of a prophetic solar year because:

  1. On a personal level, in the fall of 1998 the Holy Spirit revealed to me that the then upcoming Y2K was to be a sign by God of both the delaying and hastening of time simultaneously in a way incomprehensible to man.
  2. Furthermore, the looping of computer clock-time on Y2K was a sign to indicate and highlight the importance of this day astronomically. It was an important sign to the effect that the average orbiting speed on this day, if rendered unchanging like the looped clock-time of the computers, is indeed the very prophetic solar year. And to know the prophetic solar year is to solve the elusive mystery of the bible numbers.1 The prophetic solar year is the "Grand Unifying Mechanism" uniting and underling all of the bible numbers. 
  3. Y2K is simply the best and obvious day for setting the prophetic clock to because it is popularly viewed as the end of the second millennium. It was the obvious choice of astronomers too.
  4. (The following has to be examined to be appreciated.) There are 4000 years from the birth of Jacob until Y2K, and 4000 years is an important intercalary cycle of the prophetic calendar, etc.: (I.e., Jacob is a type of Jesus, and Jesus is the start of the BC/AD system; therefore a 4000-year cycle from Jacob to Y2K has special significance).  (Point "4" is greatly reinforced by the next two points.)
  5. It is commonly recognized that there is a gap in the prophetic time clock as understood from the prophecy of the "490" years of Daniel 9:24-27. The last seven years of the 490 is said to be separated from the preceding 483 years by an indefinite gap of time known as "The Church Age." This is similar in type to the symbolic freezing of time on Y2K. Moreover, Y2K is aligned with the 490 in incredible numeric patterns! 
  6. Y2K (Jan. 1, 2000) was 5760 years from the Jewish traditional date (used in their own calendar) for the creation of the world. It happens that 5760 years is:

    144 generations of 40 years

    or, 480 x 12

    or, 360 x 16

    And it is also 6 generations of 40 years short of 6000 years. 

    Each of the above combination of numbers are important to the 360 calendar. This is no small proof that the year of Y2K is that year (and day) chosen by God to reveal the full details of the 360 calendar, since the 360 calendar (as based on the solar year set to Y2K) is in perfect harmony with the number of years from the creation to Y2K.

    ***(The full detailed article on this 6th point is worth reading. It also explains the symbolism behind the numbers used in the 360 calendar, and in '5760 years.')***

  7. Numeric patterns like those above are repeated again only on a micro scale. We will talk about this later, Lord willing, after the book "The Writing on the Wall" is completed. Even on the micro level, Y2K remains the logical day of choice to reveal the length of a prophetic solar year.



1. The prophetic calendar presupposes a fixed solar year of 365.242 189 669 8 days, which happened to have occurred on Y2K. In reality however, the length of a solar year is steadily decreasing---though ever so slightly. Nevertheless, over millions and billions of years even a very slight but steady decrease affects accuracy. Any day since the Creation would be close enough to the Y2K figure to be accurate up until the level of the 4000-year cycles; however, beyond this, only Y2K holds the secret to the cycles that occur thereafter. 

It is most interesting that scientists estimate that the solar year around 4000 BC (approximately Creation) was 365.24250 days. This is precisely the solar year required for the 4000-year cycles to continue forever with no further need of correction! And furthermore, it also means that the first cycle would have concluded at the birth of Christ; moreover, Y2K is half way through the next 4000-year cycle! 

Astronomers set this figure for Y2K to the tenth decimal point. This is as accurate as any one day can be since every day also decreases on average at the same tiny rate of one-to-the-tenth decimal point, (i.e., .000 000 000 1, or more precisely, 1.4e-10 days). Doubtless, the astronomers themselves do not claim this figure on Y2K to be anything more than a workable approximate. Nevertheless, just as the computer-related events of "Y2K" are a sovereign sign, so likewise is this measurement---even if later it is revaluated to some other figure. If ever it is revaluated, (and unanimity among astronomers reached), it would be interesting to know what day the 365.242 189 669 8 figure would then land on! Perhaps it might turn out to be some time in AD 1995 and thereby pinpoint for the world the actual and literal birth date of Christ exactly 2,000 years earlier?!!? Whatever happens, one thing remains sure---365.2421896698 on Y2K, (accurately or accidentally), is a most remarkable sign---perhaps the most remarkable since the star of Bethlehem some 2,000 years earlier! (See also "average" solar year.)

Also see important note about how the geological ages fit in perfectly with the large cycles of the 4000-year calendar.

2012, End of the World: True or False?





Step 1---accuracy level of 360-days in a year

360 days in a year?

Step 2 ---accuracy level of 365-days in a year 

Step 3 ---accuracy level of 365.25-days in a year 

Supplement --- The 40-year cycle

Step 4 ---accuracy level of 365.2425-days in a year 

Step 5 ---accuracy level of 365.2422-days in a year 

Step 6 ---accuracy level of 365.2421896-days in a year 

Step 7 ---accuracy level of 365.24218967-days in a year 

Perfection! The 3840-year cycle is more accurate than the round 4000-year cycles. However, either as 4000-year cycles that begin from Creation (4006 BC), or 3840-year cycles that begin from the Exodus (1446 BC), the 360-calendar yields a stream of biblical numbers that interlock with each other without conflicting with each other. 


Also see Bible Numbers: The Pattern of Prophecy

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New-Years Day on the 360 Calendar
(Click here for how to use this table) 

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The 40-year cycles between
AD 1900-2099 
(Years with
* have leap month)

1st day
1st month       
1st day
of 1st month       
1st day
7th month      
1st day
of 7th       month      
---- 1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075*  Mar. 6  Apr. 5  Sept. 2  Oct. 2
---- 1916 1956 1996 2036 2076  Feb. 29  Mar. 30  Aug.  27  Sept. 26
---- 1917 1957 1997 2037 2077  Feb. 23  Mar. 25  Aug. 22  Sept. 21
---- 1918 1958 1998 2038 2078  Feb. 18  Mar. 20  Aug. 17  Sept. 16
---- 1919 1959 1999 2039 2079  Feb. 13  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1920 1960 2000 2040 2080  Feb. 8  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
---- 1921* 1961* 2001* 2041* 2081*  Mar. 4   Apr. 3   Aug. 31  Sept. 30
---- 1922 1962 2002 2042 2082  Feb. 27  Mar. 29  Aug. 26  Sept. 25
---- 1923 1963 2003 2043 2083  Feb. 22  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
---- 1924 1964 2004 2044 2084  Feb. 17  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
---- 1925 1965 2005 2045 2085  Feb. 12  Mar. 13  Aug. 10  Sept. 9
---- 1926 1966 2006 2046 2086  Feb. 6  Mar. 8  Aug. 5  Sept. 4
---- 1927* 1967* 2007* 2047* 2087*  Mar. 3   Apr. 2   Aug. 30  Sept. 29
---- 1928 1968 2008 2048 2088  Feb. 26  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
---- 1929 1969 2009 2049 2089  Feb. 20  Mar. 22  Aug. 19  Sept. 18
---- 1930 1970 2010 2050 2090  Feb. 15  Mar. 17  Aug. 14  Sept. 13
---- 1931 1971 2011 2051 2091  Feb. 10  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
---- 1932 1972 2012 2052 2092  Feb. 5  Mar. 6  Aug. 3  Sept. 2
---- 1933* 1973* 2013* 2053* 2093*  Mar. 1  Mar. 31  Aug. 28  Sept. 27
---- 1934 1974 2014 2054 2094  Feb. 24  Mar. 26  Aug. 23  Sept. 22
---- 1935 1975 2015 2055 2095  Feb. 19  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
---- 1936 1976 2016 2056 2096  Feb. 14  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1937 1977 2017 2057 2097  Feb. 8  Mar. 10  Aug. 7  Sept. 6
---- 1938 1978 2018 2058 2098  Feb. 3  Mar. 5  Aug. 2  Sept. 1
---- 1939* 1979* 2019* 2059* 2099*  Feb. 28  Mar. 30  Aug. 27  Sept. 26
1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 ----  Feb. 23  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
1901 1941 1981 2021 2061 ----  Feb. 17  Mar. 19  Aug. 16  Sept. 15
1902 1942 1982 2022 2062 ----  Feb. 12  Mar. 14  Aug. 11  Sept. 10
1903 1943 1983 2023 2063 ----  Feb. 7  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
1904 1944 1984 2024 2064 ----  Feb. 2  Mar. 3   July  31   Aug. 30 
1905* 1945* 1985* 2025* 2065* ----  Feb. 26  Mar. 28  Aug. 25  Sept. 24
1906 1946 1986 2026 2066 ----  Feb. 21  Mar. 23  Aug. 20  Sept. 19
1907 1947 1987 2027 2067 ----  Feb.16  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
1908 1948 1988 2028 2068 ----  Feb.11  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
1909 1949 1989 2029 2069 ----  Feb.5  Mar. 7  Aug. 4  Sept. 3
1910 1950 1990 2030 2070 ----  Jan. 31  Mar. 2  July 30  Aug. 29
1911* 1951* 1991* 2031* 2071* ----  Feb. 25  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
1912 1952 1992 2032 2072 ----  Feb. 20  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
1913 1953 1993 2033 2073 ----  Feb. 14  Mar. 16  Aug. 13  Sept. 12
1914 1954 1994 2034 2074 ----  Feb. 9  Mar. 11  Aug. 8  Sept. 7
1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075* ----  Mar. 6  Apr. 5   Sept. 2  Oct. 2

(Also see "the alternate one-month lag", as seen here in the lighter columns.)

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