The 360-Prophetic Calendar

How to find any date on the 360-calendar

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The below table lists when the first and seventh months begin from the years AD 1900 to 2099 on our modern (Gregorian) calendar. (Click here for dates beyond these years.) The tabling of the seventh month serves to speed up calculating dates further into the year. Moreover, Passover occurs in the first month (14/15th to 21st), but the Day of Atonement occurs in the seventh month (10th day), as does Tabernacles (15th to 22nd). At times the bible also makes the 7th month to be the New Year, as is true in Israel today.

Example: to find out what day Israel became a nation on the 360-calendar one would do the following:

Israel became a nation on May 14th after evening, in 1948. On the chart below note that in 1948, "March 12" marked the New Year on the 360 calendar. However, because a day begins at 6 pm the evening before, therefore the first day actually began March 11 and ended 6 pm on March 12. Next we count the number of days from March 12 to May 14 inclusive, we calculate 64 days. But because Israel became a nation after 6 pm, therefore we must add one more day since we are into the next day. Therefore, Israel became a nation on the 65th day, which is the third month, the fifth day, which happens to be Pentecost on the 360 calendar because Pentecost always falls on the 65th day of the year. Interestingly, Pentecost on the regular Jewish calendar was also when the Church was born (Acts 1), and when God gave Moses the 10 commandments on Mount Sinai in 1446 BC, the year Israel was first born as a nation! 


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New-Years Day on the 360 Calendar

The 40-year cycles between
AD 1900-2099 
(Years with
* have leap month)

1st day
1st month       
1st day
of 1st month       
1st day
7th month      
1st day
of 7th       month      
---- 1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075*  Mar. 6  Apr. 5  Sept. 2  Oct. 2
---- 1916 1956 1996 2036 2076  Feb. 29  Mar. 30  Aug.  27  Sept. 26
---- 1917 1957 1997 2037 2077  Feb. 23  Mar. 25  Aug. 22  Sept. 21
---- 1918 1958 1998 2038 2078  Feb. 18  Mar. 20  Aug. 17  Sept. 16
---- 1919 1959 1999 2039 2079  Feb. 13  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1920 1960 2000 2040 2080  Feb. 8  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
---- 1921* 1961* 2001* 2041* 2081*  Mar. 4   Apr. 3   Aug. 31  Sept. 30
---- 1922 1962 2002 2042 2082  Feb. 27  Mar. 29  Aug. 26  Sept. 25
---- 1923 1963 2003 2043 2083  Feb. 22  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
---- 1924 1964 2004 2044 2084  Feb. 17  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
---- 1925 1965 2005 2045 2085  Feb. 12  Mar. 13  Aug. 10  Sept. 9
---- 1926 1966 2006 2046 2086  Feb. 6  Mar. 8  Aug. 5  Sept. 4
---- 1927* 1967* 2007* 2047* 2087*  Mar. 3   Apr. 2   Aug. 30  Sept. 29
---- 1928 1968 2008 2048 2088  Feb. 26  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
---- 1929 1969 2009 2049 2089  Feb. 20  Mar. 22  Aug. 19  Sept. 18
---- 1930 1970 2010 2050 2090  Feb. 15  Mar. 17  Aug. 14  Sept. 13
---- 1931 1971 2011 2051 2091  Feb. 10  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
---- 1932 1972 2012 2052 2092  Feb. 5  Mar. 6  Aug. 3  Sept. 2
---- 1933* 1973* 2013* 2053* 2093*  Mar. 1  Mar. 31  Aug. 28  Sept. 27
---- 1934 1974 2014 2054 2094  Feb. 24  Mar. 26  Aug. 23  Sept. 22
---- 1935 1975 2015 2055 2095  Feb. 19  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
---- 1936 1976 2016 2056 2096  Feb. 14  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1937 1977 2017 2057 2097  Feb. 8  Mar. 10  Aug. 7  Sept. 6
---- 1938 1978 2018 2058 2098  Feb. 3  Mar. 5  Aug. 2  Sept. 1
---- 1939* 1979* 2019* 2059* 2099*  Feb. 28  Mar. 30  Aug. 27  Sept. 26
1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 ----  Feb. 23  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
1901 1941 1981 2021 2061 ----  Feb. 17  Mar. 19  Aug. 16  Sept. 15
1902 1942 1982 2022 2062 ----  Feb. 12  Mar. 14  Aug. 11  Sept. 10
1903 1943 1983 2023 2063 ----  Feb. 7  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
1904 1944 1984 2024 2064 ----  Feb. 2  Mar. 3   July  31   Aug. 30 
1905* 1945* 1985* 2025* 2065* ----  Feb. 26  Mar. 28  Aug. 25  Sept. 24
1906 1946 1986 2026 2066 ----  Feb. 21  Mar. 23  Aug. 20  Sept. 19
1907 1947 1987 2027 2067 ----  Feb.16  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
1908 1948 1988 2028 2068 ----  Feb.11  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
1909 1949 1989 2029 2069 ----  Feb.5  Mar. 7  Aug. 4  Sept. 3
1910 1950 1990 2030 2070 ----  Jan. 31  Mar. 2  July 30  Aug. 29
1911* 1951* 1991* 2031* 2071* ----  Feb. 25  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
1912 1952 1992 2032 2072 ----  Feb. 20  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
1913 1953 1993 2033 2073 ----  Feb. 14  Mar. 16  Aug. 13  Sept. 12
1914 1954 1994 2034 2074 ----  Feb. 9  Mar. 11  Aug. 8  Sept. 7
1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075* ----  Mar. 6  Apr. 5   Sept. 2  Oct. 2

(Also see "the alternate one-month lag", as seen here in the lighter columns.)




How to locate dates other than AD 1900-2099

To ascertain any date besides from 1900 to 2099, the simplest way is to first add the number of years from the desired date unto the present year. 

For example, Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians in 586 BC, and the present year at the time of writing this article is AD 2009. Therefore, the number of years between 586 BC and AD 2009 are 2594 years. (Note: do not count the "0" between AD and BC. It does not exist and so a year must be subtracted to obtain the true number of years.) Next, take the 2594 years and divide it by 40 years (i.e., the 40-year cycles). The answer is 64.85 cycles. Take the full number here, that is, "64 cycles" of 40, and multiply it. (40 x 64 = 2560.) Next, take the desired date of 586 BC and add the 2560 years to it, which equals AD 1975. Next, find the New Year on the Julian calendar for AD 1975 and that will also be the New Year for 586 BC on the 360-calendar. To find the Julian calendar date in the above table simple subtract 13 days from any date. Thus, the New Year in AD 1975 was March 21st; however, March 21st is March 8th on the Julian calendar. To convert the Julian back to our Gregorian calendar for 586 BC simply use a calendar converter such as is found at this link. This link will also show the regular Hebrew calendar used in Israel today, (not the 360 calendar). 

Using the above method one finds that the first New Year of the datum, (which began in the year of the Exodus from Egypt in 1446 BC), occurred on March 23, 1446 BC on the Julian calendar, but which was March 10, 1446 BC on our Gregorian calendar. (Julian #1193352.) Also see, "What Year Are We In the 360 Calendar?"

(If calculating dates greater than 4000 years from the Exodus please note that every 4000 years the 40-year cycles again realign themselves with our modern Gregorian calendar.) 


The following shows the breakdown of a 40-year cycle. Compare the below table with the 40-year cycles of the above table: years with an asterisk "*" have 390 days in them, (360 + 30 = 390) due to the extra leap month.

The 40-year Cycle of the 360 Prophetic Calendar

2nd leap-month
3rd leap-month
4th leap-month
5th leap-month
7th leap-month
at end of 6-years at end of
at end of
at end of
at end of
at end of
at end of
2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 1,470 days
40 years of 14,610 days (= an average 365.25 days)





The 360-day Prophetic Calendar is the most simple,1  
, and meaningful of all calendars!



The 360-Calendar explained in greater detail

The 360 calendar uses simple round numbers that are highly symbolic in the bible. The intercalary (leap month) cycles are based upon units of 40 and 100 years. Importantly, both 40 and 100 years are a standard 'generation' in the bible. The 360-day prophetic calendar works in unison with, and gives meaning to the ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Mayan, Chinese, Julian (Roman), Islamic, Gregorian, and Jewish calendars in that all of these were based upon the expert observations of the sun and moon. However, all of these calendars come short in accuracy, usability, and meaning. But the bible fills in where these come short. The bible fully reveals the rhyme and the reason of how the precise cycles of the months and years work. The bible has the special revelation necessary to know the workings of this perfect calendar-clock. 

Further notes about the 360 Bible Prophecy Calendar are located at the end of this document. The purpose of this page is to enable the student of bible prophecy to quickly ascertain the correct day on the 360 calendar for any date in the future or past, and to easily compare it with many other calendar systems. I am not a computer programmer, so the best that could be done at this time is to produce this chart for quickly finding any particular date, and to compare that day with the other calendars in the calendar converter program. 

The table of dates will enable one to quickly find the Julian date for any new month of the 360 calendar. Our calendar in use today is the Gregorian calendar, which is based upon the Julian calendar. Therefore, to find any date simply insert that date in the Julian calendar to locate its equivalent in our modern day Gregorian calendar (and all other calendars). For details about each calendar other than the 360 calendar, please see this link. It will take you to the original converter program page that was kindly put in the public domain by John Walker, to whom I am grateful.

The 40-year cycles of the 360 calendar produces an average year the same as the Julian calendar, (365.25 days). This makes for easy conversions between calendars. However, the 360 calendar also has a leap-month correction every 4000 years (100 generations). This makes the 360 calendar just as accurate as our modern Gregorian calendar, which means that one can count backward and forward in time by increments of 4000 years and always know what our calendar year would be on the 360 calendar. Thus, the 360 calendar repeats itself on the Julian calendar every 40 years and on our modern (Gregorian) calendar every 4000 years. The 360 calendar can be further adjusted every 100,000 years (1000 generations of 100 years) for extreme accuracy, yet maintaining the simplicity of round biblical numbers. At this level (of 365.2422 average days in a year) it is out only about one day every 100,000 years. The calendar begins at the exodus from Egypt of Israel on 1446 BC.

This extra 13th month is added at the end of the year, which occurs around March (spring). (This is also true of the regular Jewish lunar-solar calendar used in Israel today. Both the regular Jewish calendar and the 360-calendar were used in biblical days. The regular Jewish calendar also adds seven leap months during its cycle, except over a 19-year period rather than 40. "Seven" is the number of perfection and of Creation, for God created these calendars by perfectly fixing the orbits of the earth, sun and moon.) 

The following chart shows where leap months are added to a 360-day year over the span of 40 years. The 40 years then repeats itself 100 times, that is, for 4000 years. ("100" is also used in the bible to symbolize a generation.) Every 4000 years the 7th leap month of this 40-year cycle is omitted



The 40-year Cycle of the 360 Prophetic Calendar

2nd leap-month
3rd leap-month
4th leap-month
5th leap-month
7th leap-month
at end of 6-years at end of
at end of
at end of
at end of
at end of
at end of
2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 1,470 days
40 years of 14,610 days (= an average 365.25 days)



Notes about the above chart:

1.) The 40-year cycles form the basis of the calendar:

The 40-year cycle is made up of seven regular intervals where leap months are added. ("Seven" is the number of perfection and creation because "God rested on the seventh day." Also note the frequency of the number "six". God took six days to create and man was created on the sixth day for whom the calendar was made.) 
"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years," (Gen 1:14).
2.) The 4000-year cycles omit the 7th interval of its last 40-year cycle, (i.e., equals 100 generations of 40 years. In the bible, both 100 and 40 can represent a "generation").

3.) The 100,000-year cycles omit both the 6th and 7th interval of its last 40-year cycle, (i.e., equals 1000 generations of 100 years). This cycle can produce a one-month lag. 


Alternate One-Month Lag?

The New Year can be ahead one month (30 days) from those tabled. This occurs depending on what cycle one assumes to have occurred 6 BC, the birth of Christ. Is it just the 4000-year cycle from creation or does it go all the way back to the 13,824 millionth cycle, as from March, 13,824,000,006 BC? One makes Nisan 1, 6 BC (on the 360 calendar) to occur on March 21 (with the largest cycle), the other on February 19. (And see above "100,000-year" cycle.




Further Notes:


The following notes were taken from our 360-Bible-Prophecy Calendar website. 
Please see the  360-Bible-Prophecy Calendar website for further information.


The 360-day prophetic calendar works in unison with, and gives meaning to, the ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Persian, Hindu, Zoroastrian, Mayan, Chinese, Julian (Roman), Islamic, Gregorian, and Jewish calendars since all of these were based upon the expert observations of the sun and moon. However, all of these calendars come short in accuracy, usability, and meaning. But the bible fills in where these come short. The bible fully reveals the rhyme and the reason of how the precise cycles of the years and months work. The bible contains the special revelation necessary to know the workings of this perfect calendar-clock. 


What about the lunar calendar used by Moses,
which is still used by modern Israel today?

The calendar used by Moses at the time of the Exodus out of Egypt (1446 BC, Ex. 12:2) is essentially the same as that one used today in modern Israel: It was a luni-solar calendar. Nevertheless, a careful study of the chronological material from the books of Moses shows that his luni-solar calendar was synchronized with the 360-day calendar.2 (We will examine this later). Moses was very knowledgeable about both the luni-solar calendar and the 360-day calendar since he was "trained in all the wisdom of the Egyptians," (Acts 7:22). The Egyptians used at least three calendars: The 360-day calendar, a luni-solar calendar, and one kept in synchronization with the stars. 

However, although there are many similarities between the calendars of Moses and the Egyptians, yet there are significant differences as well. For instance, the 360-day year of the Egyptians was adjusted to the actual 365-day solar year by adding 5 special days at the end of every 360-day period; (12 months of 30 days, plus 5). However, it is evident from the books of Moses (and later, the prophetic writings) that the 360-day calendar of the prophets was adjusted by adding a leap month of 30-days every six years, rather than the Egyptian method of 5 days at each years' end. (The insertion of the 30-day leap-month at regular six-year cycles was also the method used in the ancient Zoroastrian calendar.) Another distinction between Moses and the Egyptians is that Egypt had three seasons to their year whereas Moses held to four, (Gen. 8:22). 


What is a "luni-solar" calendar?

In the Jewish luni-solar calendar, the days of the month are set to the phases of the moon, while the number of months are ordered by the length of the solar year. This means that there are 12 months in what is called a "normal" year, but after every 2 or 3 years an extra '12th month' is inserted, to make 13 months in that "special" year. Thus they have either 354 or 384 days in their luni-solar year (plus or minus one day). As said, the 360-day prophetic calendar is not the same as the luni-solar calendar. However, they are similar in this important respect: Both calendars adjust to the solar year by adding a thirteenth month at regular intervals. 



Hebrew and 360 Calendars Compared
(Note: the bible uses both)
Hebrew luni-solar calendar 360-day calendar of prophets
354 days in non-leap month year of 12 months 360 days in non-leap month year of 12 months
384 days in a leap-month year of 13 months 390 days in a leap-month year of 13 months



The leap month (13th month) of the 360-day calendar:

As mentioned earlier, scholars have long recognized the 360-day year in the prophetic writings of the bible.3 And some have pondered the meaning of the extra month in the 3½-year period in the book of Daniel, calculated as 1290 days, (Dan. 12:11), rather then the 1260 days of Revelation 11:3 and 12:6. As we shall see, this extra 30 days (one month) is simply a leap month inserted.


12 months x 3½-years (of 360 days) = 42 months, (Rev. 11:2)

42 months x 30 days = 1260 days, (Rev. 11:3)

1260 days + 30 more days = 1290 days, (Dan. 12:11)

The well-known '3½-years' is simply half of a full seven-year period, Dan. 9:27



There are three ways of looking at the 360-calendar. 
All three are amazing! All three work together!
See 360-Bible Prophecy Calendar for details.

Only the basic 100,000-year calendar is practical. 
The other two have symbolic meaning and are interesting for that reason only.

The 100,000 is a rounding off of the still more accurate 96,000-year cycle. If we stick to round numbers, and this is important for a calendar to be usable, then the final 100,000 cycle is the route to go. However, if absolute accuracy is what one desires, (and this is the flip side of what a good calendar system must also have), then there are two other methods to use. At any rate, all are true representations of the 360-prophetic calendar. 

Remember, the purpose of the calendar is not to live by now, but is an aid for grasping the eternal reign of Jesus, and a testimony to His certain coming. It is for this reason that either methods are correct. Moreover, both methods interact with one another in a complex array of patterns. Is it simplicity you want? Then stick to the 100,000-year method. Is it accuracy? Then see the 3840-method. Is it a balance of both? Then there is the middle-of-the-road approach where instead of 100,000 years, we have the more accurate 96,000 years, etc. Either way, all are accurate and all are symmetrically intertwined. They are based upon units of 360 and 3600 days and years. (Click here for the other two systems of adjustment.) Nevertheless, when we say that the 100,000 cycle is 'less accurate,' keep in mind that even at this lesser accuracy, it still surpasses most (if not all) other calendars devised by man! As a matter of fact, the solar year commonly given in the scientific community is a rounded 365.2422, which is exactly what the 100,000 cycle amounts to!



The three calendars summarized
(Note: The one on the right is basically a rounded version of the middle one,
While the first two are interesting, only the third one is practical.)

(Cycles are in years)

"3840" Eternal Calendar

(62 + 4 = 40 years)
x 96 x 3600 x 6400

(Note: '3600' is 602 and '6400' is 802)


=  365.2421896698 year
(Out 1 day every 5 trillion years;
and accurate forever!)



"4000" Calendar

(62 + 4 = 40 years)
x 100 x 24 x 150 x 24

(Note: 24 x 150 is 3600 and 150 x 24 is 3600. This mimics the biblical pattern of "a day is as a thousand years a thousand years is as a day.")


= 365.2421896701389 year
(Out 1 day every 3 billion years!)




==> Simplified "4000" Calendar

(62 + 4 = 40 years)
x 100 x 25


that is...

(6 x 6 + 4) [= 40 years] x 100 [= 4,000 years] x 25 [= 100,000 years] 

= an average solar year of 365.2422
(Out 1 day every 100,000 years!)


Both calendars are derived from the exact solar year of 365.2421896698 days as if forever unchanging on Y2K. Remember that the purpose of the calendar is to create symbolic patterns descriptive of the soon-coming eternal reign of Jesus the Messiah; it is not a calendar to live by.  




1 The prophetic calendar would have been simple for ancient peoples to use, especially Israelites, if they had used it. But the full details of the 360 calendar was only discovered recently, in fulfillment of bible prophecy (Dan. 12), and for the study of time frames to do with bible prophecy. It is not meant to be used in any civic capacity. It would have been easy for them to use because, firstly, the Israelites were (and are) already familiar with this method of inserting regular leap-months into their calendar (rather than leap-days); and secondly, because the calendar was based upon the simple integer '6' (or '60'). (Example, 360 days = 6 x 60). 'Sixty' was the base-number for commerce (weights and measures) in the ancient world and therefore was easily comprehended by them just as 'ten' is the base-number used by us today, (as in the metric system). {Note: The calendar is "simple to use" for studying time over a 100,000-year span. After that, it becomes slightly more involved.}


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