The Fourth of Seven Reasons
Why the Prophetic Solar Year
is Set to Y2K-Day
See, "Answered in Summary".
Why Y2K?
4.) Since the bible numbers consistently points to Jesus the Messiah as the center of time it makes sense that this day should also focus
Him. And Indeed it does, in two ways:
a) (The 4000-year prophetic calendar cycle) in actual time:
Jacob is a type of Jesus:
From the birth of Jacob in 2006 BC, until the literal birth of Jesus in c. 6 BC are 2,000 years. Therefore, until AD 1995 there are
4000 years,
and 4000 years is the second cycle in the prophetic calendar. This means that there were 700 leap moons accumulated by spring of AD 2001, and
spr. of 2001, in turn, was 2,000 years from the traditional conception of Christ in the
spr. of 1 BC.
2006 BC (Jacob's birth) + 2,000 years
to Jesus actual birth,
+ 2,000 years more = AD 1995,
+ 6 more years makes an even 700 leap months accumulated by AD
The number "7" is of great significance in the life of Jacob,
as we shall see. |
But what does Jacob's birth have to do with the prophetic calendar?
The bible dates certain events as from the year of the Exodus
from Egypt, (cf., 1Kings 6:1), just as today we date things from the birth of
Jesus Christ. Therefore, there are three logical places to commence the
inaugural year of the prophetic calendar; at the Creation (4305 BC), at the
Exodus (1446 BC), and at the traditional birth-date (circumcision) of the
Messiah (Jan. 1, AD 1).
The births of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are types of the promised birth of Messiah-Jesus. And just as the Exodus (birth of a nation) was after
"four generations" (of 100 years) as promised to Abraham (Gen. 15:13), even so the birth of Jacob was also four
generations (of 40 years). from Abraham's birth in 2166 BC. And since the Exodus is clearly the beginning of a new calendar year, even so symbolically speaking Jacob too is the start of the same (since he points to the birth of Jesus who has become the start of the Christian calendar system of BC and AD). Hence, it is significant that from Jacob until now completes a full
4000-year cycle---with 4005/6years completing the full 700 accumulated leap months, and is also
1335 x 3 years (Dan. 12:12). (1335 x 3 = 4,005.) Furthermore, 4000 years is also 40 generations of 100, or 100 generations of 40---which answers to the said "4th-generation" of "40 and 100 years" until Jacob and the Exodus respectively.
Furthermore, the period of time between the birth of Jacob (the foreshadow of Christ's birth and hence the start of the calendar year) and that of the Exodus (the true start of the calendar year), are linked together by the prophetic calendar in this way:
There are 280 x 2 years between the birth of Jacob and the Exodus. (280 = 7 generations of 40.) As explained elsewhere, 280 years will contain 49 leap months and is the jubilee cycle of months. (Note: Though it was never commanded to be kept, the 280-year cycle is nevertheless a part of the prophetic calendar.) The point is that,
proleptically, the year 2006 BC was a significant date even by itself in that it was part of the on-going 280-year cycles to and from the Exodus, and thus further under-girds the notion that the birth of Jacob in the 4th generation (= 160 years) is understood to be in parallel with the Exodus also said to be in the 4th generation (= 400 years). Not only this, but 160 + 400 (560) years does itself equal 280 x 2 (560) years (as just mentioned)!
(of 40 years) from Abraham's birth in 2166 BC. And since the Exodus is clearly the beginning of a new calendar year, even so symbolically speaking Jacob too is the start of the same (since he points to the birth of Jesus who has become the start of the Christian calendar system of BC and AD). Hence, it is significant that from Jacob until now completes a full
4000-year cycle---with 4005/6years completing the full 700 accumulated leap months, and is also
1335 x 3 years (Dan. 12:12). (1335 x 3 = 4,005.) Furthermore, 4000 years is also 40 generations of 100, or 100 generations of 40---which answers to the said "4th-generation" of "40 and 100 years" until Jacob and the Exodus respectively.
Furthermore, the period of time between the birth of Jacob (the foreshadow of Christ's birth and hence the start of the calendar year) and that of the Exodus (the true start of the calendar year), are linked together by the prophetic calendar in this way:
There are 280 x 2 years between the birth of Jacob and the Exodus. (280 = 7 generations of 40.) As explained elsewhere, 280 years will contain 49 leap months and is the jubilee cycle of months. (Note: Though it was never commanded to be kept, the 280-year cycle is nevertheless a part of the prophetic calendar.) The point is that,
proleptically, the year 2006 BC was a significant date even by itself in that it was part of the on-going 280-year cycles to and from the Exodus, and thus further under-girds the notion that the birth of Jacob in the 4th generation (= 160 years) is understood to be in parallel with the Exodus also said to be in the 4th generation (= 400 years). Not only this, but 160 + 400 (560) years does itself equal 280 x 2 (560) years (as just mentioned)!
Abraham's birth (2166 BC) + 40 x 4 (160) years = 2006 BC (Jacob's birth), + 160 (4 x 40) + 400 (4 x 100) ("400 years in Egypt") = 1446 BC (Exodus). |
(As an aside, and as a reminder of the significance of this study)...therefore...
Abraham's birth (2166 BC) + 360 x 2 = 1446 BC (Exodus), + 360 x 4 more = 6 BC, the actual birth of Jesus. ("360" in days is the unadjusted prophetic year!) See "A Day Can Equal A Year."
Since the prophetic calendar must be adjusted by adding a month of 30 days after every 6 years (of 360 days), [or after 4 years if at the end of a 40 year cycle], and since Jesus began His ministry "at 30 years of age" (Luke 3:23), His 30 years
therefore corresponds to the leap month of 30 days added at the end of the 6th (or 4th) cycle of years (of years).
Abraham, + 6 x 360 day/years = birth of Jesus, + 30 day/years = start of ministry of Jesus, or,
Exodus, + 4 x 360 day/years = birth of Jesus, + 30 day/years = start of ministry of Jesus,
Furthermore, since the last 4-years (2 squared) of the 40-year cycle has 49 months in it (i.e., 7 squared), therefore this symbolic month (of 30 years) is therefore the 49th "month" from the Exodus, (or literally, 49 x 30 years, or 490 x 3 years).
The lunar cycles work equally well here, since a lunar cycle of 19 years squared equals 361 years, (see 38 squared, i.e., 19 x 19 x 4), (and 19 x 19 x 6)---but we must move on!
Thus, it is reasonable to perceive the prophetic calendar as figuratively beginning from Jacob's birth as a foreshadow of our Gregorian calendar which today is dated from the birth of Jesus, since the date of Jacob's birth is so strongly tied numerically and thematically to the dates of the Exodus and Jesus' birth---and both the Exodus and Jesus' birth are the official starting points for reckoning years. And this figurative
4000 year cycle from Jacob's birth in 2006 BC brings us to AD 1995, plus another 6 years to Y2K that in turns accumulates and completes a full 700 leap months, etc. This 700 leap months will tie us in later with the biblical personage Lamech, who lived 777 years. Lamech and Jacob are paired together (as we see in point "5b"), using the theme number of seven. Moreover, what Jacob is to the second expanding cycle of the 360 calendar (of
4000 years), Lamech is to the second expanding cycle of the lunar (of 6,460 years). This is of no small importance, so we mention it here a head of time to prepare the way. But first...
b.) (The 4000-year prophetic calendar cycle) in symbolic time:
As explained in the Bible-Numbers
Website , the bible numbers make use of the BC/AD calendar system that we use today like it was a
mirror. That is, year 2000 BC is the mirror of AD 2000 (and likewise, astronomically, year -2000 [i.e., 2001 BC] is the mirror of +2000 [i.e., AD 2000]. This means that Jan. 1, 2000 (& Jan. 1, 2001) was
4000 years from itself in its own mirror. This too can be proven further, but would be complex. The point is that Y2K (and the next day/year following) was
4000 years to itself in the mirror. (2,000 + 2,000 = 4000 years.)
"A day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as a day"---as we show in later documents, time is moving forward and backwards simultaneously. Jesus is at the center of this flow of time. Indeed, He is at the center of looped time---which is in fact what happened in a way with the computers at Y2K. What I mean is this: The birth of Christ is both the ending and beginning of the prophetic calendar---and can be shown to be at the middle too! (I.e., 2000 BC to AD 2000---with a forward and backward movement of time.) The mystery of what happened when the everlasting God entered into time as a man is great!

on this Document:
A few technical notes
1. New-years day of Nisan (Abib) 1st (morning)
of the 360 calendar landed on March 10, 1446 BC (Gregorian calendar,
but which was March 23 Julian). (March 10th on the conventional Jewish
calendar that year was about Adar 12.) The Julian day # is 1193352. (That
day, therefore, symbolized as AD 1 as explained
The 3840-year cycle began when they entered Egypt in 1446 BC. The alternate 4000-year cycles
began in 4006 BC at the Creation. Both Creation (as in 4006 BC) and the
Exodus (1446 BC) run along the same 40-year cycles. Therefore, the 4000-year
calendar and the 3840-year calendar mesh with each other and compliment one
another. They do not conflict with each other at all.
3. You may find it interesting that the great
tsunami that killed 300,000 on Dec. 26, 2004 was 1,260,000 days (Rev. 12)
from Nisan 14 (360-calendar) of the Passover of the Exodus, and eve of the
10th plague upon Egypt. Click
here for more on that.

Why Y2K?
Also see Bible Numbers
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