What is so special about 360 days in a year?
The number 360 is an extremely versatile number. In the ancient world,
the number 6 and 60 were the base for most measurements and commerce. The number
six, for instance, is divisible by three numbers (1, 2, and 3), and six
is the total of these same three numbers too, (1 + 2 + 3 = 6). The number 360 is
similarly versatile being 6 x 60 (= 360), and is perfect for creating intricate,
yet flexible, numeric patterns. (See "The Writing on
the Wall" for more on this subject.) The question raised by the
critic is not whether '360' is versatile for creating patterns, (for this goes without saying), but: "Are
earth's cycles around the sun (a
solar year) really synchronized to an exact 360 year?" For if
this can be
shown to be true, then all must conclude that God created the heavens and earth with
meaning and purpose, just as the bible says, and that the heavens are not the
result of random chance events, (i.e., by evolution and the so called "big
For instance, the average solar year on Y2K (Jan. 1, 2000) was exactly
365.2421896698. (To be explained later). Some scientists see this odd number as an example of meaningless random
chance. "If God created the heavens," says the
skeptic, "then why isn't the number of days in the year, say, an
exact 360 days?" "Why not 360.0000000000... days in a year
rather than the odd number that it actually is?"
The skeptic asks a reasonable question. An orderly world indicates an
intelligent Creator; but odd numbers like 365.2421896698
days in a year implies randomness. However, if it can be shown that there are exactly 360.0000000000
days in a solar year4---we would
then demonstrate order
in our solar system of unbounded magnitude; but
of course this cannot be proven---or can it?
Our objective is to show this and more. For while
there are certainly not 360 days in a true solar year, nevertheless the true
figure of 365.2421896698 is so perfectly synchronized to an exact
360, that it might as well be. This
odd number of 365.2421896698 works hand-in-glove with 360.0000000000. The
360-day cycle without the 365.2422 year is just wishful thinking, and the
365.2422 year without the 360-day cycle is hopelessly without meaning. Both need
each other to be complete.
In the first section of our study, we
will restrict ourselves to the accuracy level of our modern calendar of
365.2425 so as to remain on uncontested ground. This accuracy level is all that
is needed to prove that the 360-calendar is of divine origin. After demonstrating
this, we will go on to ponder the full scope of the calendar---both its perfect
accuracy and its boundless biblical patterns.
4 What 360.0000000000
days in a solar year would be to the ancient world is what 100.00000000 would be
to us today since they used the '6' based system, but we the '10'. This number '360.0000000000'
is a combination of both the '6' based system and of our modern '10' based system, and is
common to the bible. If the orbit of the earth around the sun were exactly
100.0000000000 days---would this not be clear evidence for design? So it is with
the 360.0000000000, except far more so---as we shall see!