Leap-Month Cycles of the 
360-days Lunar-Solar Calendar



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Why "360-days"?


What is so special about 360 days in a year? 

The number 360 is an extremely versatile number. In the ancient world, the number 6 and 60 were the base for most measurements and commerce. The number six, for instance, is divisible by three numbers (1, 2, and 3), and six is the total of these same three numbers too, (1 + 2 + 3 = 6). The number 360 is similarly versatile being 6 x 60 (= 360), and is perfect for creating intricate, yet flexible, numeric patterns. (See "The Writing on the Wall" for more on this subject.) The question raised by the critic is not whether '360' is versatile for creating patterns, (for this goes without saying), but: "Are earth's cycles around the sun (a solar year) really synchronized to an exact 360 year?" For if this can be shown to be true, then all must conclude that God created the heavens and earth with meaning and purpose, just as the bible says, and that the heavens are not the result of random chance events, (i.e., by evolution and the so called "big bang".) 

For instance, the average solar year on Y2K (Jan. 1, 2000) was exactly 365.2421896698. (To be explained later). Some scientists see this odd number as an example of meaningless random chance. "If God created the heavens," says the skeptic, "then why isn't the number of days in the year, say, an exact 360 days?" "Why not 360.0000000000... days in a year rather than the odd number that it actually is?"

The skeptic asks a reasonable question. An orderly world indicates an intelligent Creator; but odd numbers like 365.2421896698 days in a year implies randomness. However, if it can be shown that there are exactly 360.0000000000 days in a solar year4---we would then demonstrate order in our solar system of unbounded magnitude; but of course this cannot be proven---or can it?

Our objective is to show this and more. For while there are certainly not 360 days in a true solar year, nevertheless the true figure of 365.2421896698 is so perfectly synchronized to an exact 360, that it might as well be. This odd number of 365.2421896698 works hand-in-glove with 360.0000000000. The 360-day cycle without the 365.2422 year is just wishful thinking, and the 365.2422 year without the 360-day cycle is hopelessly without meaning. Both need each other to be complete.

In the first section of our study, we will restrict ourselves to the accuracy level of our modern calendar of 365.2425 so as to remain on uncontested ground. This accuracy level is all that is needed to prove that the 360-calendar is of divine origin. After demonstrating this, we will go on to ponder the full scope of the calendar---both its perfect accuracy and its boundless biblical patterns.



4 What 360.0000000000 days in a solar year would be to the ancient world is what 100.00000000 would be to us today since they used the '6' based system, but we the '10'. This number '360.0000000000' is a combination of both the '6' based system and of our modern '10' based system, and is common to the bible. If the orbit of the earth around the sun were exactly 100.0000000000 days---would this not be clear evidence for design? So it is with the 360.0000000000, except far more so---as we shall see!


To page 3, "Step by step up the accuracy scale."

Or, view supplement 2b:
The 360 calendar compared with other calendars."


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New-Years Day on the 360 Calendar
(Click here for how to use this table) 

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The 40-year cycles between
AD 1900-2099 
(Years with
* have leap month)

1st day
1st month       
1st day
of 1st month       
1st day
7th month      
1st day
of 7th       month      
---- 1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075*  Mar. 6  Apr. 5  Sept. 2  Oct. 2
---- 1916 1956 1996 2036 2076  Feb. 29  Mar. 30  Aug.  27  Sept. 26
---- 1917 1957 1997 2037 2077  Feb. 23  Mar. 25  Aug. 22  Sept. 21
---- 1918 1958 1998 2038 2078  Feb. 18  Mar. 20  Aug. 17  Sept. 16
---- 1919 1959 1999 2039 2079  Feb. 13  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1920 1960 2000 2040 2080  Feb. 8  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
---- 1921* 1961* 2001* 2041* 2081*  Mar. 4   Apr. 3   Aug. 31  Sept. 30
---- 1922 1962 2002 2042 2082  Feb. 27  Mar. 29  Aug. 26  Sept. 25
---- 1923 1963 2003 2043 2083  Feb. 22  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
---- 1924 1964 2004 2044 2084  Feb. 17  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
---- 1925 1965 2005 2045 2085  Feb. 12  Mar. 13  Aug. 10  Sept. 9
---- 1926 1966 2006 2046 2086  Feb. 6  Mar. 8  Aug. 5  Sept. 4
---- 1927* 1967* 2007* 2047* 2087*  Mar. 3   Apr. 2   Aug. 30  Sept. 29
---- 1928 1968 2008 2048 2088  Feb. 26  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
---- 1929 1969 2009 2049 2089  Feb. 20  Mar. 22  Aug. 19  Sept. 18
---- 1930 1970 2010 2050 2090  Feb. 15  Mar. 17  Aug. 14  Sept. 13
---- 1931 1971 2011 2051 2091  Feb. 10  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
---- 1932 1972 2012 2052 2092  Feb. 5  Mar. 6  Aug. 3  Sept. 2
---- 1933* 1973* 2013* 2053* 2093*  Mar. 1  Mar. 31  Aug. 28  Sept. 27
---- 1934 1974 2014 2054 2094  Feb. 24  Mar. 26  Aug. 23  Sept. 22
---- 1935 1975 2015 2055 2095  Feb. 19  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
---- 1936 1976 2016 2056 2096  Feb. 14  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1937 1977 2017 2057 2097  Feb. 8  Mar. 10  Aug. 7  Sept. 6
---- 1938 1978 2018 2058 2098  Feb. 3  Mar. 5  Aug. 2  Sept. 1
---- 1939* 1979* 2019* 2059* 2099*  Feb. 28  Mar. 30  Aug. 27  Sept. 26
1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 ----  Feb. 23  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
1901 1941 1981 2021 2061 ----  Feb. 17  Mar. 19  Aug. 16  Sept. 15
1902 1942 1982 2022 2062 ----  Feb. 12  Mar. 14  Aug. 11  Sept. 10
1903 1943 1983 2023 2063 ----  Feb. 7  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
1904 1944 1984 2024 2064 ----  Feb. 2  Mar. 3   July  31   Aug. 30 
1905* 1945* 1985* 2025* 2065* ----  Feb. 26  Mar. 28  Aug. 25  Sept. 24
1906 1946 1986 2026 2066 ----  Feb. 21  Mar. 23  Aug. 20  Sept. 19
1907 1947 1987 2027 2067 ----  Feb.16  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
1908 1948 1988 2028 2068 ----  Feb.11  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
1909 1949 1989 2029 2069 ----  Feb.5  Mar. 7  Aug. 4  Sept. 3
1910 1950 1990 2030 2070 ----  Jan. 31  Mar. 2  July 30  Aug. 29
1911* 1951* 1991* 2031* 2071* ----  Feb. 25  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
1912 1952 1992 2032 2072 ----  Feb. 20  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
1913 1953 1993 2033 2073 ----  Feb. 14  Mar. 16  Aug. 13  Sept. 12
1914 1954 1994 2034 2074 ----  Feb. 9  Mar. 11  Aug. 8  Sept. 7
1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075* ----  Mar. 6  Apr. 5   Sept. 2  Oct. 2

(Also see "the alternate one-month lag", as seen here in the lighter columns.)

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