Leap-Month Cycles of the 
360-days Lunar-Solar Calendar



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360-calendar Compared with Other Calendars


Throughout history, man has sought to make sense of the motions of the sun and the moon in their perceived orbits, (though of course we realize now that the earth rotates around the sun). Man has long sought to create a calendar that would perfectly keep in tune with the sun and/or the moon. Why, for instance, are there 365.2422 days in a solar year (called a mean/average tropical year), and why are there 29.53059 days in a lunar cycle? If God created them both, surely there must be a rhyme and reason for their exact orbits. After all, the bible declares:

"And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to divide between the day and the night. And let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years," (Gen. 1:14).


"The heavens declare the glory of God..." (Ps. 19:1)

Those scientists that reject the fact that God made the sun and moon do not expect, nor look for intelligent order in the universe. But what if there is? What if there is a rhyme and reason for the motions of the heavenly bodies? And what if it can be shown that these rhythms are explained fully in that ancient text, the Bible? It would mean that the God of the Bible is the Creator of both heaven and earth. And what if every stroke of God's master clock points in some way or another to His Son "by whom all things were made" (Col. 1:16, John 1:1-3)? Thus, the study of the calendar of the prophets is an important revelation of the glory of God, and to convince men of their obligation to seek Him, and to encourage those that have found Him.

We will deal with the solar calendar in two parts and answer the question: How does the 360-calendar relate to the rhythm of the sun? Then, in the third section of our study, we will look into the lunar calendar of 29.53059 days and answer the question: How does the 360-calendar relate to the rhythm of the moon? It will be shown that both sun and moon work harmoniously as two separate witnesses to glorify Christ. They work together as if one calendar. 


Other calendars:

It should be noted that the lunar-solar calendar employed by Israel today, though given by God, is not the prophetic calendar. The lunar-solar calendar of Jews today is a slight revision of that calendar used by Moses when they fled Egypt.

Today, most of modern society uses what is called the Gregorian calendar (AD 1580), which is an update of the Julian calendar of 46 BC. The calendar system we use today has 365 days in a year with an extra day (a "leap-day") added every fourth year. This was the calendar originally commissioned by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. Pope Gregory fine tuned it in AD 1580 so that every century that is divisible by 400 is a leap year with the normal leap day at all other centuries, divisible by 100, omitted. Hence, the calendar that we use today is based upon 4 and 400-year cycles, (with talk of a 4000-year correction as well, in the year AD 4000.) 

As we shall see, the prophetic calendar is similar to this in that it too is based upon 40 and 4000-year cycles. It makes sense that time should be thus divided up into multiples of four, (i.e., 4, 40, 400, 4000), just as there are four seasons in a year (Gen. 8:22).

Points of interest:
1000-year cycles within larger 4000 year cycles:

Moreover, the 360 calendar treats every thousand years of time as if it were but one day (and visa versa, as we shall see.) For the Bible teaches that "a day is a thousand years and a thousand years as a day," (2Pet. 3:8; Ps. 90 :4). Hence, one day is both a very long and very short time before God. The calendar brings this truth out wonderfully. Furthermore, every 1000-year period is divided into two equal 500-year periods representing "night and day." And each night and day is further divided into four even units of 125-year periods. The ancient Romans in Jesus' day also divided the night into four "watches," as frequently mentioned in the New Testament.

Consistent use of the square root:

The calendar is based in square-root figures at every level. 

Moreover, the 360 calendar constantly utilizes multiples of 60, with the number 3,600 of special significance since it is the square root of 60, (i.e., 60 x 60 = 3,600). As we shall see, there are an even 30 days in each month: 30 days [6 x 5] x 12 months [6 x 2] = 360 days [6 x 60], with an extra leap month added every 6 years for 6 cycles! 

Biblical 40-year unit of time is at the calendars core:

The 6th cycle of 6 years is completed by a 7th cycle 4 years long---a total of 40 years, (a generation in the bible), and adheres to the creation model of a 6 day-creation, with the 7th day set apart as special, (Gen. 1-2).1 

This is just the first step!

The rest gets simpler, and exponentially more accurate! Moreover, a flood of patterns are produced, all of which are common to the Bible!




1 It happens that every 6 cycles of 40 years accumulates 42 leap months, (which is 1260 days, Rev. 11:2-3). And from the official inauguration of the calendar at the exodus (1446 BC, Ex. 12:2), until the birth of Christ are 6 cycles of 6 cycles of 40 years, or 36 generations! Etc., etc..! "Six" is the number of man in the bible; "seven" is the number of completion and rest, Gen. 1-2.


Next "Step by step up the accuracy scale."


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 Why "360-days,"
and not some other number?


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New-Years Day on the 360 Calendar
(Click here for how to use this table) 

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The 40-year cycles between
AD 1900-2099 
(Years with
* have leap month)

1st day
1st month       
1st day
of 1st month       
1st day
7th month      
1st day
of 7th       month      
---- 1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075*  Mar. 6  Apr. 5  Sept. 2  Oct. 2
---- 1916 1956 1996 2036 2076  Feb. 29  Mar. 30  Aug.  27  Sept. 26
---- 1917 1957 1997 2037 2077  Feb. 23  Mar. 25  Aug. 22  Sept. 21
---- 1918 1958 1998 2038 2078  Feb. 18  Mar. 20  Aug. 17  Sept. 16
---- 1919 1959 1999 2039 2079  Feb. 13  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1920 1960 2000 2040 2080  Feb. 8  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
---- 1921* 1961* 2001* 2041* 2081*  Mar. 4   Apr. 3   Aug. 31  Sept. 30
---- 1922 1962 2002 2042 2082  Feb. 27  Mar. 29  Aug. 26  Sept. 25
---- 1923 1963 2003 2043 2083  Feb. 22  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
---- 1924 1964 2004 2044 2084  Feb. 17  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
---- 1925 1965 2005 2045 2085  Feb. 12  Mar. 13  Aug. 10  Sept. 9
---- 1926 1966 2006 2046 2086  Feb. 6  Mar. 8  Aug. 5  Sept. 4
---- 1927* 1967* 2007* 2047* 2087*  Mar. 3   Apr. 2   Aug. 30  Sept. 29
---- 1928 1968 2008 2048 2088  Feb. 26  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
---- 1929 1969 2009 2049 2089  Feb. 20  Mar. 22  Aug. 19  Sept. 18
---- 1930 1970 2010 2050 2090  Feb. 15  Mar. 17  Aug. 14  Sept. 13
---- 1931 1971 2011 2051 2091  Feb. 10  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
---- 1932 1972 2012 2052 2092  Feb. 5  Mar. 6  Aug. 3  Sept. 2
---- 1933* 1973* 2013* 2053* 2093*  Mar. 1  Mar. 31  Aug. 28  Sept. 27
---- 1934 1974 2014 2054 2094  Feb. 24  Mar. 26  Aug. 23  Sept. 22
---- 1935 1975 2015 2055 2095  Feb. 19  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
---- 1936 1976 2016 2056 2096  Feb. 14  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1937 1977 2017 2057 2097  Feb. 8  Mar. 10  Aug. 7  Sept. 6
---- 1938 1978 2018 2058 2098  Feb. 3  Mar. 5  Aug. 2  Sept. 1
---- 1939* 1979* 2019* 2059* 2099*  Feb. 28  Mar. 30  Aug. 27  Sept. 26
1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 ----  Feb. 23  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
1901 1941 1981 2021 2061 ----  Feb. 17  Mar. 19  Aug. 16  Sept. 15
1902 1942 1982 2022 2062 ----  Feb. 12  Mar. 14  Aug. 11  Sept. 10
1903 1943 1983 2023 2063 ----  Feb. 7  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
1904 1944 1984 2024 2064 ----  Feb. 2  Mar. 3   July  31   Aug. 30 
1905* 1945* 1985* 2025* 2065* ----  Feb. 26  Mar. 28  Aug. 25  Sept. 24
1906 1946 1986 2026 2066 ----  Feb. 21  Mar. 23  Aug. 20  Sept. 19
1907 1947 1987 2027 2067 ----  Feb.16  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
1908 1948 1988 2028 2068 ----  Feb.11  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
1909 1949 1989 2029 2069 ----  Feb.5  Mar. 7  Aug. 4  Sept. 3
1910 1950 1990 2030 2070 ----  Jan. 31  Mar. 2  July 30  Aug. 29
1911* 1951* 1991* 2031* 2071* ----  Feb. 25  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
1912 1952 1992 2032 2072 ----  Feb. 20  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
1913 1953 1993 2033 2073 ----  Feb. 14  Mar. 16  Aug. 13  Sept. 12
1914 1954 1994 2034 2074 ----  Feb. 9  Mar. 11  Aug. 8  Sept. 7
1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075* ----  Mar. 6  Apr. 5   Sept. 2  Oct. 2

(Also see "the alternate one-month lag", as seen here in the lighter columns.)

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