Leap-Month Cycles of
360-days Lunar-Solar Calendar

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(Also see end of this document---
Supplementary One:
"What About the Other Two Ways
of Measuring the Length of a Year?")

Draft copy.
"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night;
and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and
(Gen. 1:14).
The fact that the prophets understood a year as 360 days is
well attested. God created the sun to mark the seasons and years. He made the
moon to mark the days. There are 354.37 days in a lunar year (of 12
moons/months), and 365.24 days in a solar year; together they average 360 days.
365.24 (solar) + 354.37 (lunar) = 719.61 ÷ 2 = 359.8 days.
(I.e., approx. 360 of prophetic.) |
1) "The man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, lifted his right hand and his left hand toward heaven, and I heard him swear by him who lives forever, saying, "It will be for a time, times and half a time.* When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be
completed," (Daniel 12:7).
The above asterisk *
is found in the New International Version of the Bible where it reads in its
margin: "Or a year, two years and half a year." I.e., 3-½ years. This
key phrase, "time, times and half a time," is also found in Dan. 7:25, and Rev.
12:14, and further alluded to in Dan. 4:16; 5:25; 9:27.
The N.I.V.'s interpretation of "time, times and half a time"
as '3-½ years'
is obviously correct since this phrase is paralleled with the
number "1290 days," found only four verses later in the same
chapter, (1290 days equals 3-½ years):
"From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination
that causes desolation is set up, there will be
1290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the
1335 days," (Dan. 12:11-12).
==> 3.5 years |
360 |
720 |
180 |
= 1260 |
Or, + 30 days = 390 (if we here add the
leap month) |
Or, + 30 days = 750 (if we here add the
leap month) |
Or, + 30 days = 210 (if we here add the
leap month) |
= 1290
(or 1260 +30 days) |
Therefore, 1290 days is simply 1260 days with an intercalary month added. An
intercalary month (i.e., a leap month of 30 days)
is added for the same reason that leap days are added to our
solar calendar---to keep up to the exact solar orbit of 365.2422 days in a
(solar) year. Notice that a leap month may occur on any one of the above three
"time" slots, depending upon where it happens to fall during the
on-going cycles of the prophetic calendar system. (For more, see the end of
this document, Supplementary
"How the Leap Months are Regulated.")
"They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.
And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1260
clothed in sackcloth," (Rev. 11:2b,3).
This verse proves that 1260 days is synonymous with "42 months;" in
that 30-days-in-a-month, times 42-months, equals 1260
days. (For more, see Supplementary
Three: "3-½ Years
as Viewed in the Book of Revelation.")
What is more, notice the agreement of the "1260" with
the phrase "a time, and times, and half a
time" (Rev. 12:6 &14), the same way in which the 1290
was in Dan. 12:7 & 11.
"The woman fled into the desert to a place prepared for her by
God, where she might be taken care of for
1260 days...And there were given to the woman the two wings of the
great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness unto her place, where she is
nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the
serpent." (Rev. 12:6, 14).
"And the waters returned from off the earth continually: and after the end of the hundred and fifty days the waters were abated. And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of
Ararat," (Gen. 8:3,4).
We are told that the Flood covered the land from the 17th of the
2nd month to the 17th of the 7th month. This
would amount to about 147 days of the lunar calendar. Instead however, this
5-month period is said to total150 days. This implies that the median
30-day-month of the prophetic year is here being used, (i.e., 30 x 5 = 150
4.) Compare the following two verses (from the book of
"...when he (King Xerxes) showed the riches of his glorious kingdom and
the splendor of his excellent majesty for many days, one hundred and eighty days in all,"
(180 = 6 x 30 = six months. Esther 1:4).
"Before a girl's turn came to go in to King Xerxes, she had to complete
twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed for the women, six months
with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics," (Esther
Supplementary One
What About the Solar and Lunar Calendars,
---the Other Two Ways for Measuring the Length of a Year?
The lunar calendar was commonly used in ancient times. However, the ancients
had to add an extra (intercalary) month every once and a while to adjust to the
position of the sun since the lunar calendar lagged behind approximately 11 days
per solar year, (365 - 354 = 11 days). The Jewish calendar today is a luni-solar
one based on 28-year-solar and 19-year-lunar cycles. This complex calendar
system adds a second
12th month every two or three years (called "Second
Adar"); thus there are 13 months in a modern Jewish calendar year
every second or third year, (i.e., 384 days).
The Islamic religious calendar does not adjust to the sun at all. It has a
fixed 12-month lunar-year. Hence, it lags behind our solar year about 11 days in
a year with the effect that every few decades it lags behind an entire year!
All Three Calendars Work Together as One!
God has merged the three major calendar systems into one complex clock, with
the 360-prophetic year as the average year of the lunar and the solar.
365.24 (solar) + 354.37 (lunar) = 719.61 ÷ 2 = 359.8 days.
(I.e., approx. 360 of prophetic.) |
Nevertheless, the solar has the driving lead, since all other calendars in
one way or another find their bearing and orientation by it.
All three calendars---(the solar, prophetic, and lunar)---inter-work with
astounding precision. Moreover, the 360 year and the lunar year operate with and without
the intercalary months added. Likewise, the leap days of the 365-solar are
optionally counted. Hence there are four radically different calendars; the
major adjusted ones
being led by the solar, and the minor unadjusted solar, lunar,
and prophetic.
This may seem confusing, but it is not.
The main calendar(s) (adjusted):
The adjusted lunar
and adjusted 360-prophetic are themselves oriented to our
modern-day adjusted solar calendar (i.e., 365.2422
days-per-year), therefore these three calendar-years do not diverge from one
another more than a month, even over long periods of time. Thus they
are essentially one calendar when calculating years.
The minor calendars (unadjusted):
The unadjusted lunar, prophetic,
and solar are only secondary clocks. Each are meant to be
studied in contrast with its parent. This indeed makes for more difficult
math, but not confusion. In other words, the unadjusted calendars
are for advanced students of bible numbers, and are only confusing to those
who are not experienced in the standard adjusted calendars.
Here is an imaginary example of all this. Notice the relationship between the
adjusted calendars to one another, and notice these three, in turn, in
relationship to the 1260,000 days, or 3,500 years of the unadjusted-prophetic.
For illustrative purposes ONLY
Suppose that God marks out the
date of the coming rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem (prophesied
of in the Bible, Dan. 9:27) by tying-in this great event with several
related events in past history. Let us say that Nisan 1,
AD 2006 is the date God chooses for this rebuilding. He chooses this
because of it's relationship to
when the tabernacle was set up, i.e., New Year's day, Nisan 1, 1445 BC, (i.e., one year after the
1445 BC + 1150 x 3 years = Nisan 1, AD 2006;
and because it is 1260,000 days and a few months.
because of it's relationship to Artaxerxes'
decree to rebuild Jerusalem's walls in 445 BC;
445 BC + 490 x 5 years (or, 49 x 50 years) = Nisan 1, 2006 BC,
(see Dan. 9:25-27).
because of it's relationship to the completion
of the second temple in spr., 516 (515?) BC;
515 BC + 1260 x 2 years = Spr., 2006 BC.
Plus other like reasons., (i.e., see AD
536, as mirror of BC 536, and 490 x 3).
Nisan 1, AD 2006, of the Three Adjusted
by virtue of it being 1150 x 3
after the tabernacle; (1445 BC - 1150 x 3 = AD 2006, see the 2300
of Dan. 8:14).
Nisan 1st occurs around mid March to April. The symbolic solar equivalent
of this date would therefore be either March 1, or April 1.
1150 x 3 years of the adjusted prophetic calendar = 1260,090
days. This would mean that the prophetic New Year would fall on about Adar 27th
in AD 2006 (i.e., about 3 days before the lunar Nisan 1st).
Make-Believe Scenario
Let us say that 1260,000 days after the tabernacle was set up in Nisan 1, 1445
BC (i.e., 1260 x 1000 days, or 3,500 years of unadjusted prophetic), it is
announced to the world that construction of the temple will begin "in a few
months," it is slated to start March 1st, 2006 BC. |
However, for some reason this is put on hold for a few weeks until Adar 27th,
when it is suddenly announced that construction will commence in a few days, that is on
Nisan 1st (of the Jewish/lunar calendar) |
 | Now, if an enthusiast exclaims, "Look!
Temple construction has begun on the very same anniversary of when the
tabernacle was set up in the days of Moses!"
Many would object and say, "That's no coincidence!
That day was likely chosen on purpose by those in charge of it's
However, the bible numbers would tell quite another story, wouldn't
they? |
Make-Believe Scenario
Based on Past Observations
This has been a imaginary scenario for the purpose of
explaining the reason why there are several calendar systems. However, it
is logically possible based upon my own personal observation of other events in the news over the past
ten years, such events as Yitzhak Rabin's assassination. Nevertheless, I am in no way predicting the future. I wrote this off
the top of my head. Hundreds of similar scenario's could have been devised. The purpose of the bible numbers is not to predict the
future but to know that GOD IS IN CONTROL.
Thus, the three adjusted calendars
work together to mark exact days within a particular year, with their
unadjusted counterparts also at work, but as it were, in the background
behind the scenes.
When considered independently of one another,
these three adjusted calendars increase the ambiguity threefold for when a particular
anniversary event might be marked. However, when considered together they
actually narrow down the possibilities, (as I have shown in the
above scenario); they in fact establish the matter by "two or three
Furthermore, God also uses a great host of other
methods to narrow down the possibilities, say for instance if the temple
took 1150, or 1260 days to complete. See "The
Writing on the Wall".)
The purpose of the book "The Writing on the Wall" is to
demonstrate the complexity of 'God's clock', without getting bogged down in the
minor details. For this reason, "The
Writing on the Wall" clings mostly to the simple solar (and adjusted
calendars); it is territory with which we are all familiar, (or can be
familiarized with), and so can more easily be grasped.
Supplementary Two
How the Leap Months are Regulated in the Prophetic
The 30-day leap month is added every 6th year, with every 7th cycle
being adding on the fourth year, thus concluding a 40-year cycle. Every
4000 years it is omitted. Such a system keeps up to our solar calendar
with amazingly accuracy, and divides the ages into even
bible-generations of 40-year periods (and 4000 too). This will be
detailed in a later document.
6 x 360 + 30 = 2,190 days (2,190 ÷
365 = 6 solar years)
6 x 6 = 36 years (=
2,190 x 6 = 13,140 days, ÷
365 = 36 solar years)
6 x 6 =36 years,
+ 4 years (i.e., the 7th cycle) = 40 years (36 + 4 = 40 years)
36 years (13,140 days) + 4 years (1,440 +30 =
1,470 days) = 40 years (14,610 days)
14,610 days ÷
365.25 = 40 solar years
However, an exact
solar year is 365.2422 (not 365.25).
The difference is accounted for by omitting a leap-month (of 30 or
31) every 4000 years
365.25 - 365.2422 = .0078 days, x 4000 years = 31.2 days
Compare the above 40 and
4000 year-cycles (of the prophetic calendar) with
own modern-day calendar that is based on a leap day
added every 4 years, but omitted three times per 400-year cycle, except
every 4000 years! ("40" is a number often used in
relationship to time in the bible, i.e., "a generation")
Briefly, the said regulation of leap months of
the prophetic calendar, is confirmed by the Bible in the
following way:
- Bible scholars agree that the 1290 days of Dan. 12:11
represents one of the halves of the last of the
seven-year period of Daniel's 70 x 7 (490) years , i.e., 483 +
3 ½ + 3 ½ = 490.
- There are 12 generations of 40 years every 480 years, and
thus a total of 84 leap months added, (7 cycles x 12 =
- 84 leap-months = 2,520 accumulated days (84 x 30 = 2,520).
- 2,520 days = 1260 x 2 (or 3 ½ + 3 ½ = 7 years, cf., Rev.
11:2,3, 12:6).
- "480 years" is the same figure given in 1Kgs. 6:1,
which begins from the commencement of the new calendar month
and year given to Moses at the time of the exodus from Egypt
(Ex. 12:2). This is the only direct reference in the bible to
an official start of a new calendar-year, and 480 years
is the only definite period of time revealed to us that
declares what is the span of time between the exodus and the
kings of Israel.
- Many scholars acknowledge an obvious relationship between
the 480 of 1Kgs. 6:1 and an even 12 generations of 40 years
(12 x 40 = 480 years). For instance, note the 40 years in the
wilderness after the exodus, and the 40-year reigns of Saul,
David, and Solomon---the first three kings of Israel. Hence,
there is concord between these 12 generations and the twelve
40-year leap-month cycles.
- Thus after 486 years, there are 85 leap-months, or 1260
+ 1290 days; (see point 2 & 3).
- Thus the 1260 + 1290 accumulated leap-months (every 486-years)
happens to be the same length of days as the 1260
+ 1290 that occurs at the point of the 486.5 years
of Daniel's divided "week"!!! (see point one.)
- The .5-year difference between the 486 years of the
leap-months, and the 486.5 of Daniel is accounted for by
reason of when each had their starting point. I.e., was the
first new year in the spring or fall? (The fine tuning of
Edwin Thiele's chronology of the period of the kings, for
instance, relies heavily on the assumption that the biblical
record is vacillating between these two new-year starting
- As said, there are 480 years between the exodus/tabernacle
(1446/5 BC) and Solomon's temple
(966 BC), which yield an accumulation of 84 leap months, or 1260
x 2 days. This sets a pattern, for from the exodus till
Christ (when God "tabernacled" among us, Jn.
1:14, 2:19) there are 480 x 3 years (i.e., unto 6/5 BC), or 126
x 2 accumulated leap-months, etc.
The Effects (Over a 480-490 Year Period)
of There Existing Two New-Year Starting-Points 6-Months
in Relation to the 490 of Dan. 9
Of the four possible decrees that begin the terminus a quo of
Daniel's 70 x 7 (490), Cyrus' decree of spr. 458 BC (spr. 458 to
spr. 457) is the most convincing numerically. (The
NIVSB also favors this choice in it's margin, by the way.)
1) Autumn, 458 BC + 486.5 years of solar
calendar = Spr. of AD 30 (most popular date for Christ's
crucifixion among scholars, with a 3.5-year ministry preceding)
2) or, decree of Spr., 458
BC + 490 years of solar calendar = Spr. of AD 33 (2nd most popular
date for Christ's crucifixion among scholars, with a 3.5-year
ministry preceding)
3) Compare with the following:
1446 BC (exodus) + 480 x 3 Years = 6 BC (c. birth of Christ),
= 252 accumulated leap months, (or in other words... 126
x 2 months, or 1260 x 6 days, or 21 years of 360 days)
Therefore, spr. of 6 BC is a leap month, as is AD 1 (the "0-year"
is non-existent), AD 7, 13, 19, 25, 31, and AD 35
Therefore, if the 3 ½ years of Christ's ministry was
from Aut., 26 to Spr. of AD 30, than it would have had 1260
days in it
if the 3 ½ years of Christ's ministry was from Aut.,
2 to Spr. of AD 33, than it would have had 1290 days
in it, with that lunar cycle being the 258th, which is 129 x
2 (or in other words, 1290 x 6 days, or 430 x
18 days, or 21.5 years of 360 days)
Hence, there is an alignment of the number of leap-months from the
exodus, with the 3 ½ years (1260/1290 days) of Christ's
ministry, and with the 490 of Dan. 9:27. Compare this with the
We said that every 40 years, 7 minor lunar cycles are completed, but every
4000 years the leap-month is omitted. Thus there are yet larger 4000 year-cycles
as well as the 40 year. (Note that 4000 is 40 x 100---both of these numbers can
refer to a generation in the Bible. Also note that the Israelites were
"400" years in Egypt (Gen. 15:13-16), but "430" to be exact,
(Ex. 12:40).
Thus, 1446 BC (exodus), + 4000 years = AD 2555, which is 1260 + 1260 years
from AD 35; 1260 + 1290 years from AD 5, and 1290 x 2 from
26 BC (i.e., "mirror"
of AD 26). See "A
Day can Equal a Year."
A few technical notes:
(It was discovered
after the above was written that the 4000-year
calendar begins at Creation whereas the 3840 begins at
the Exodus.)
1. New-years day of Nisan (Abib) 1st (morning) of
the 360 calendar landed on April 9, 1446 BC (Gregorian calendar, but
which was April 22 Julian). (April 9th on the conventional Jewish calendar that
year was about Nisan 11.) The Julian day # is 1193382. (That day, therefore,
symbolized as AD 1 as explained
2. The 3840-year cycles began when they entered Egypt in 1446
BC. The alternate 4000-year cycles began in 4006 BC at the Creation.
(Nisan 1 on the 360 calendar in 4006 BC falls on, or about, the spring
equinox, March 21 Gregorian, which is April 22 Julian, which happens to be Nisan
1 on the regular Jewish calendar {as well as the 360 calendar}, which makes it a
new moon! {Julian #258342.} The new moon, the spring equinox, and the start of
the 360 calendar are therefore perfectly aligned with this Creation date to
signal 'a new beginning'. However, it is my personal view that this date is
merely symbolic for the Creation, and that the actual Creation date may be something
The Prophetic calendar:
All this is important on this account: On any given
straight-seven-years there can be as many as 1260 + 1290 days, or
1290 + 1290 days (using the adjusted 360-prophetic calendar. For instance,
between AD 26 and 33 there would have been 1260 + 1290 days, but between
AD 30 and 37, 1290
2 days).
The only time there can be a seven-year period with 1260 x 2
years, is upon every 4000 years, when the leap month is omitted. Thus, for
instance, any seven-year period between AD 2551 and 2561 would therefore only
have 1260
+ 1260 days in it. Thus, the fact that from this same
date, less 1260 + 1260 years = AD 31 to 41, is further
evidence of intentional design to point to Jesus Christ. But to make things
absolutely certain, the other two forms of the prophetic seven-year period is
used too, (i.e., as said, to AD 5 and 26 BC).
But not only is there three witnesses of the prophetic
calendar, (i.e., 1260 x 2, 1260 + 1290, and 1290 x 2), but of all three major
adjusted calendars as well!
The Solar Calendar:
7 years of 365 days (of the solar calendar), = 2,555 days,
with 2 leap days (2,557), thus, AD 2555 less 2,555 years = 1 BC, (the month of
Christ's conception according to tradition, upon which is based out modern BC/AD
system), less 2 more years can agree with the decree of Herod to kill all boy
babies (in an attempt to kill the baby Jesus) "two years old and
under," (Matt. 2:16).
The Lunar Calendar:
We cannot explain the "mirror"
in detail here. The "mirror" is a consistent method in bible numbers
of reinforcing Christ as the center of time, and thus the center of God's
purposes: Between AD 2555 and 2555 BC there are
5109 years. 5109 divided by 29.53059 days in a literal lunar month = 173.007.
This means that there is an exact 7 + 7 lunar years to itself in
the mirror. (14 years of the lunar calendar may have 5,138/9 or 5,109
days in it.) (By the way, the Jewish traditional date for the exodus (not
actual) is 1313 BC, which is 1290 +1335 years
to AD 1313, cf., Dan. 12:11,12.)
It is more than a curiosity that 4000 years, less the 40 years
spent in the wilderness after the exodus, = 3960, which is 1290 + 1335 + 1335
We have shown that a
day is as a year. The exodus of 1446 BC (and thus the start of the New
Calendar, system at the birth of the nation of Israel), + 4 x 360 days-of-years
= 6 BC (4 x 360 + 1,440). Interestingly, 360 x 2 years
before this was the birth of the forefather of the Jewish rave---Abraham (2166
Recall that every 6 years was a lunar cycle, with every 7th
cycle being 4 years, thus ending a complete 40-year cycle. Thus, every 6 (or 4)
years a 30-day leap month is inserted to keep up to the solar clock. It is
striking that from Abraham's birth till Jesus' birth are 6 x 360 years,
and that from the birth of the nation of Israel (at the exodus) till the birth
of Christ are 4 x 360 years.
Thus, according to the "day equals a year" scale, a
30-day leap month (i.e., of 30 day/years), should be added at the time of
Christ's birth, thus spanning until when Christ was about 30 years of age, .
Amazingly, "about 30 years of age" (Luke 3:23) is when Jesus in fact
began His ministry, at which time He became God's Son in the sense that He began His
priestly ministry (for He has ever been His Son), as it says in Heb
5:5 (which quotes Ps. 2:7,cf., Luke. 3:22), " So also Christ did not
glorify Himself to be made a high priest, but He who said to Him, "You are
My Son, today I have begotten You."
A priest began his service at age 30, (Num. 4:3; cf., 1:1,
3:15, the theme of "30" is striking: The Levites were to be
numbered above 30 days
old, and again above 30 years old (but below 50). They
were numbered exactly 1 year and 1 month after the first New Year of the
We can can conclude but one reason why Christ would be born at
the end of a fourth year cycle ---It is to imply that Jesus is the both the end
of the forty-year cycle (since the forty-years cycle ends with the four-year),
and thus He is the start of the new. Nevertheless, since He is 6 x 360 (years)
from Abraham, this also implies that He is part of an ongoing cycle too. But it
may better to see the birth of Abraham and Sarah as being set in the mirror as
AD 2156 & 2166 so that they signify the next leap cycle after the major
Distant past ==> to the exodus (1446 BC), plus another 4 years (of years), =
6 BC (birth of Christ), which then completes a larger 40 years cycle, plus
another 6 years (of the next minor cycle), = AD 2155, (i.e., approx. mirror of
AD 2156 & 2166 birth of Abraham and Sarah). |
Can you think of any better possible date for the first New
Year (1446 BC exodus), other then that which most scholars say is indeed the
actual date (i.e., 1446 BC), that produces such a consistent array of
patterns that points to Jesus Christ as the center of God's purposes in time?
Certainly, this must be that calendar revealed to (but not understood by)
Daniel, created by the Almighty that synthesizes the rhythms of those great
heavenly clocks, that is, the sun and the moon. Nor have we even begun to
scratch the surface of the patterns emerging from the understanding of how the
prophetic clock works.
The arrangement of these dates of epoch events in perfect
harmonious working order are too perfect to be coincidental. One might as well
believe that his wristwatch is the product of time and chance, if he cannot
discern complex arrangement when he sees it! We have yet to mention the fact
that there are 480 years from Noah's flood until the birth of Abraham, and hence
1,200 till the exodus! or that Noah was 480 years old when he began to build the
Ark, which took 120 years (3 x 40); or that the siege and fall of the Northern
tribe of Israel was in 725-2 BC (hence see plus and minus 360 x 2 years
with 126 leap months accumulated, or 1260 x 3 days); or
that from 725-2 BC plus another 1260 years = AD 536 to 539
(the mirror of the fall of Babylon, and return of the Jews from captivity). But
for the rest see, "The
Writing on the Wall".
Let me urge any who have not surrendered their life to Yeshua
(Jesus) the Messiah, to do so now. He is the One foretold by the prophets to be
the Savior of the world. Like the snake on the pole that was hung up during
Moses' time, so that whoever looked at it was healed, even so, Jesus,
the substitutionary Lamb,
was hung upon a cross for you---a curse---that whosoever looks to
Him is saved from their sins, and instantly receives eternal life. Upon
receiving this eternal salvation, like a new born child you will have the joy of
getting to know and please Him more and more, for He sees you even now, and
awaits your decision.
Supplementary Three
The following expressions for "3-½
years" are all variations of that original phrase found in
Dan. 9:27 "the dividing of seven days/years."
The literal term "3-½ years" is found in Luke 4:25,
James 5:17; compare with Rev. 11:3-6. The fact that the this
3-½ year period is expressed in at least 6 different ways is
clear proof of it's importance, and hence worthy of study.
"3-½ Years" as Viewed in the Book of Revelation
Expression used
for "3-½ years" |
Book of Rev. |
Context |
In general, what might this imply? |
42 months |
11:2 and
Holy City trampled and saints conquered |
Defeat for 42 x 2 months
= 7 years |
days |
11:3 and 12:6 |
Saints overcome, and are preserved |
Victory for 1260 x 2 days
= 7 years |
"Time, times, and half a time" |
12:14 |
But there are two references in Daniel, both
negative |
Preservation for 3.5 years.
But twice
negative in Daniel
= 7 years of tribulation too |
Three-and-one-half DAYS |
11:9 and 11:11 |
Death and Resurrection |
A day is as a year; Daniel's 70th
"week" divided as in Dan. 9:27. Hence, 7 days and/or
years |
Also see "3½-years
Prophetic, Solar, and Lunar"
did Israel become a nation on Pentecost, 1948?