Leap-Month Cycles of the 
360-days Calendar



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 Seven Simple Steps
Step 3



Step 3: Roman (Julian) year of 365.25 days: 

Main Cycle:
(Forty-year cycles)

The 365-day year lags behind the more accurate 365.25 year by one day every four years. (365.25 less 365 = .25, or a quarter of a day. Therefore, in 4 years one whole day accumulates since four quarters of a day equals one whole day.) To correct this problem, Julius Caesar ordered that upon every fourth year a 'leap day' be added to their 365-day year. This average year of 365.25 days was introduced about 45 BC, but God delayed its consistent use until about the birth of Jesus Christ as a sign that "the fullness of time" had come, Gal. 4:4. (Here is a good site about the origins of the Julian calendar.) 

We still use an updated version of the Julian calendar today.  


The amount of days in a Julian year calculated

365 days x 4 years = 1460 days, + 1 leap day = 1461 days. 

1461 divided by 4 years = 365.25 days in a Julian year

The 365.25 day-year is also the accuracy level of the main cycle of the 360-prophetic calendar.


40-year cycles form the core of the prophetic calendar

We have already stated that upon every 6 years, one month of 30 days are accumulated so that the 6th year has 390 days in it. This works out to an even 365 day-year. However, to increase the accuracy level to 365.25 of the Julian calendar we must do the following:



To attain to the Egyptian level of accuracy of 365 days in a year, the prophetic calendar utilizes 6-year cycles, (12 months in a year, 30 days in a month = 360 days in a year,  with the sixth year having 13 months [ 390 days], a grand total of 2190 days every 6 years.)

To attain to the more accurate Roman (Julian-calendar) level of 365.25, this is what we must do:

40-year Cycles

The 6th cycle of 6 years is followed by a 7th cycle only 4 years long---for a total of 40 years, (a " generation" in the bible). (6 x 6 = 36 years, + 4 years = 40 years.)

These numbers agree with the creation model of a 6 day-creation, 
with the 7th day set apart as special, (Gen. 1-2). 


The 40-year Cycle of the 360 Prophetic Calendar

1st leap-month
2nd leap-month
3rd leap-month
4th leap-month
5th leap-month
6th leap-month
7th leap-month
at end of 6-years 6-years 6-years 6-years 6-years 6-years 4-years
2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 2,190 days 1,470 days
40 years of 14,610 days


14,610 days = 365.25 days x 40 years 


Thus, the 6th cycle of 6 years is followed by a 7th cycle only 4 years long---for a total of 40 years, (a "generation" in the bible). (6 x 6 = 36 years, + 4 years = 40 years.) The effect is to place emphasis upon the 6th and 7th cycle since the 6th cycle of 6 years precedes the special seventh cycle of only 4 years, which in turn concludes the 40-year cycle. 



This concludes the first three of seven 'steps.' The 40-year cycle is foundational to the prophetic calendar. These 3 'steps' increased in accuracy from a simple 360-day average year to a 365, and then to a 365.25. You will find that the rhyme and reason for 90% of time-related numbers in the bible are resolved by applying this calendar to your study. The remaining 10% are illumined by the last 4 'steps' of increased accuracy. Fortunately, the remaining steps are even more easy to learn.


Click here to learn more about the biblical precedent for the 40-year cycle.

Or skip this discussion and go straight to Step 4:

"Matching Our Modern (Gregorian) Year of 365.2425 Days"


To step 1

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New-Years Day on the 360 Calendar
(Click here for how to use this table) 

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The 40-year cycles between
AD 1900-2099 
(Years with
* have leap month)

1st day
1st month       
1st day
of 1st month       
1st day
7th month      
1st day
of 7th       month      
---- 1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075*  Mar. 6  Apr. 5  Sept. 2  Oct. 2
---- 1916 1956 1996 2036 2076  Feb. 29  Mar. 30  Aug.  27  Sept. 26
---- 1917 1957 1997 2037 2077  Feb. 23  Mar. 25  Aug. 22  Sept. 21
---- 1918 1958 1998 2038 2078  Feb. 18  Mar. 20  Aug. 17  Sept. 16
---- 1919 1959 1999 2039 2079  Feb. 13  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1920 1960 2000 2040 2080  Feb. 8  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
---- 1921* 1961* 2001* 2041* 2081*  Mar. 4   Apr. 3   Aug. 31  Sept. 30
---- 1922 1962 2002 2042 2082  Feb. 27  Mar. 29  Aug. 26  Sept. 25
---- 1923 1963 2003 2043 2083  Feb. 22  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
---- 1924 1964 2004 2044 2084  Feb. 17  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
---- 1925 1965 2005 2045 2085  Feb. 12  Mar. 13  Aug. 10  Sept. 9
---- 1926 1966 2006 2046 2086  Feb. 6  Mar. 8  Aug. 5  Sept. 4
---- 1927* 1967* 2007* 2047* 2087*  Mar. 3   Apr. 2   Aug. 30  Sept. 29
---- 1928 1968 2008 2048 2088  Feb. 26  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
---- 1929 1969 2009 2049 2089  Feb. 20  Mar. 22  Aug. 19  Sept. 18
---- 1930 1970 2010 2050 2090  Feb. 15  Mar. 17  Aug. 14  Sept. 13
---- 1931 1971 2011 2051 2091  Feb. 10  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
---- 1932 1972 2012 2052 2092  Feb. 5  Mar. 6  Aug. 3  Sept. 2
---- 1933* 1973* 2013* 2053* 2093*  Mar. 1  Mar. 31  Aug. 28  Sept. 27
---- 1934 1974 2014 2054 2094  Feb. 24  Mar. 26  Aug. 23  Sept. 22
---- 1935 1975 2015 2055 2095  Feb. 19  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
---- 1936 1976 2016 2056 2096  Feb. 14  Mar. 15  Aug. 12  Sept. 11
---- 1937 1977 2017 2057 2097  Feb. 8  Mar. 10  Aug. 7  Sept. 6
---- 1938 1978 2018 2058 2098  Feb. 3  Mar. 5  Aug. 2  Sept. 1
---- 1939* 1979* 2019* 2059* 2099*  Feb. 28  Mar. 30  Aug. 27  Sept. 26
1900 1940 1980 2020 2060 ----  Feb. 23  Mar. 24  Aug. 21  Sept. 20
1901 1941 1981 2021 2061 ----  Feb. 17  Mar. 19  Aug. 16  Sept. 15
1902 1942 1982 2022 2062 ----  Feb. 12  Mar. 14  Aug. 11  Sept. 10
1903 1943 1983 2023 2063 ----  Feb. 7  Mar. 9  Aug. 6  Sept. 5
1904 1944 1984 2024 2064 ----  Feb. 2  Mar. 3   July  31   Aug. 30 
1905* 1945* 1985* 2025* 2065* ----  Feb. 26  Mar. 28  Aug. 25  Sept. 24
1906 1946 1986 2026 2066 ----  Feb. 21  Mar. 23  Aug. 20  Sept. 19
1907 1947 1987 2027 2067 ----  Feb.16  Mar. 18  Aug. 15  Sept. 14
1908 1948 1988 2028 2068 ----  Feb.11  Mar. 12  Aug. 9  Sept. 8
1909 1949 1989 2029 2069 ----  Feb.5  Mar. 7  Aug. 4  Sept. 3
1910 1950 1990 2030 2070 ----  Jan. 31  Mar. 2  July 30  Aug. 29
1911* 1951* 1991* 2031* 2071* ----  Feb. 25  Mar. 27  Aug. 24  Sept. 23
1912 1952 1992 2032 2072 ----  Feb. 20  Mar. 21  Aug. 18  Sept. 17
1913 1953 1993 2033 2073 ----  Feb. 14  Mar. 16  Aug. 13  Sept. 12
1914 1954 1994 2034 2074 ----  Feb. 9  Mar. 11  Aug. 8  Sept. 7
1915* 1955* 1995* 2035* 2075* ----  Mar. 6  Apr. 5   Sept. 2  Oct. 2

(Also see "the alternate one-month lag", as seen here in the lighter columns.)

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