Tabernacle: The Temple of
The Tabernacle curtains
are 1260 x 2 square cubits,
and the paneling is 360 x 2 square cubits!
(This article is my reply to an interesting letter
received Dec. 30, 2002.)
March 10, 2003
This is what I, too, have discovered about the curtains that covered the Tabernacle
built by Moses. Perhaps they are the same as you have discovered already.
Perhaps you can add to it.
Two "curtains" and two "coverings" covered the Tabernacle,
(Ex. 26). The
total (linen) material used for the first curtain was 1120 (4 x 28 x 10) square
cubits, (i.e., 1260 x 2 square feet as you noted). (A
cubit is c. 18 inches.)
Curtains as 1320 square cubits:
In addition to the 1120 square cubits of linen material for the first
curtain covering, there was an additional 100, plus 100 square cubits of this
same fine linen used for the two entry veils that led into the Holy, and the Holy of Holies.
(1120 + 100 + 100 = 1320 square cubits total). Thus,
there was 1320 square cubits of fine linen used in the Tabernacle altogether.
This is important because, '1320' is the same
total as the next layer of "curtain" over the Tabernacle,
this time made of goat’s hair; (i.e., 4 x 30 x 11 = 1320 square cubits
also)! Moreover, this establishes a pattern for the remaining two coverings,
which we can assume likewise had the same measurements since they had
basically the same purpose, and no other measurements are given. Only the
materials used, (and thus the symbolism), for the remaining two coverings
are different; namely, "ram skins dried red," and "sea
Curtains as 1260 square cubits:
We just noted that the second (and remaining) curtains had a total area
of 1320 square cubits. However, we are told that 60 square cubits of that is
to be folded back. Everything in the Tabernacle is symbolic of something,
(see the book of Hebrews). Aside from any practical purpose, why this peculiar
folding back of 60 square cubits? This second curtain over the Tabernacle (made of goats hair) is said to
have the last of its 11-sectioned curtain folded back.
Since each of these 11 sections were 30 by 4 cubits ( = 120 square cubits), the total
therefore is:
1320 less
60 (that is, half of 120) = 1260 square cubits
(4 x 30 x 10.5 =
(Technical note: Upon close reading, I
strongly suspect that this half-fold backwards was actual sewn backwards,
otherwise it would flop forward since it overhung the entrance to the Tabernacle
by 4 (less 2) cubits. The purpose of the overhang
appears to be for the purpose of creating an extra thick fold hanging down at the
entrance so as to further obscure the interior to possible onlookers when a priest entered.)
the remaining two coverings were to overlap the first couplet of tent
curtains, it follows that they would have used the same dimensions of 1260 square
cubits, (i.e., 1320
less 60).
Thus we have two sets of coverings. The first two are called
"curtains." The second two are simply called
"coverings." Because 200 square cubits of the linen material was
used for the entrance (veil) to the tabernacle rather than to cover it, and because
the last 3 curtains/coverings were folded back 60 square cubits, the
following is how we can calculate the four materials (each in 2 sets) used
for the tabernacle. (Note: the first curtain was not folded back.)
Tabernacle measurements
in original square cubits
(Ex. 26)
(This chart is
repeated after this,
except with the meaning of each number included)
Materials used |
fine linen |
goats hair |
red ram-skins |
sea cows |
Total |
folds--- |
of all 4 materials |
(curtain and veils) |
5280 |
2640 |
2640 |
1120 |
1320 |
1320 |
1320 |
5080 |
2440 |
2640 |
including folds--- |
of all 4 materials |
(curtain and veils) |
5100 |
2580 |
2520 |
1120 |
1260 |
1260 |
1260 |
4900 |
2380 |
2520 |
wooden paneling |
720 |
6000 |
of all 5 materials 1320 + 1320 + 1320 + 1320 + 720
= 6000 |
Thus we have two sets of figures that
represent a divided 7-year period. With the first curtain, as you pointed
out, especially symbolical of this 7-yar period. This is because the first
curtain can be perceived as 1260 x 2 square feet from one
perspective, and 1320 square cubits from the other, (inclusive of
the linen entry curtains).
Same chart as above, except with terse hints
about the meaning of each number;
expanded explanations follow.
Area (in Cubits) is symbolic of days
and years
Materials used |
fine linen |
goats hair |
red ram-skins |
sea cows |
Total |
folds--- |
of all 4 materials |
(curtain and veils) |
(44 months) |
(44 months) |
(as 11 x 480 years
= 77 years
in leap months) |
(88 months) |
(88 months) |
1120 |
1320 |
1320 |
1320 |
average per covering, which is 3˝-years of Hebrew calendar) |
1150 + 1290 |
(88 months) |
including folds--- |
of all 4 materials |
(curtain and veils) |
of 360 cal.) |
of 360 cal.) |
of 360 cal.) |
(1260 +1290 average per set,
which is a normal 7-years of 360 cal.) |
(1290 x 2 = 7 years of 360 Cal.;
and is 430 x 6) |
(1260 x 2 also = 7 years 360 Cal.) |
1120 |
1260 |
1260 |
1260 |
70 x 70, or, 490 x 10 of Dan. 9 |
(2300 + 80 days cleansing for a women;
or as average of the two, 1150 + 40 for a man!) |
(1260 x 2 = also 7 years 360 Cal.) |
gold-covered wooden paneling |
(tabernacle is 360 either
side, = 2 years) |
(creation of man:
"a thousand years is as a day") |
of all 5 materials 1320 + 1320 + 1320 + 1320 + 720
= 6000 |
Leap Months (30 days) Also Depicted
(In the Hebrew calendar, every 2 or 3 years
sees two 12th months called, 1 and 2 Adar. The 360 calendar is
similar. See www.360calendar.com
for the leap-month inculcating system of the 360 calendar.)
There were two extra wooden panels (a total
of 50) that overlapped ("doubled") two corner panels, which,
thereby, strengthened the corners of the tabernacle on the north-west and
south-west. If we include these two, we must add another 30 to the 720 sq.
cubits; (and 6030 sq. cubits becomes the total of all 5 materials).
It happens that there are '30' days in a
month within the 360 calendar. Since the basic 720
sq. cubits depict 360 x 2 days (= 720),
hence, the extra '30' must depict a leap month. (360 + 390 days = 750 days.)
As said, the tabernacle ("Temple of
Time") is patterned after the solar and lunar year. Symbolically
speaking, therefore, for its leap month to be symbolized by partly
hidden corner panels (for the purpose of strengthening the tabernacle) fits
well with the purpose of a leap month in the 360 calendar: the leap month is
an additional hidden month added to the 360 year, and it calibrates ("strengthens")
the 360 year to the true solar year.
Moreover, the curtains and
coverings likewise have leap months included in precisely the same way.
They are folded back (hidden) within the 11th curtain. (Each of the 11
curtain segments are 4 by 30 cubits,
that is, each curtain symbolically represents four months, 4
x 30 days.) As seen in the above table, this hidden fold
backwards accounts for the variations of a seven-year period, (representing
the seven days of creation)---the 1260 + 1260, 1260 + 1290, and even
1290 + 1290 can all be seven-year periods on the 360 calendar. The slot
any given seven-year span falls upon within the ongoing calendar cycles
determines how many leap months should be added. And it happens that
these 3 'seven-year' periods represent the minimum and maximum
lengths possible during any one 'seven-year' period. Hence, tabernacle dimensions
signify the 360 calendar both by normal and by leap-month
years; and to a lesser extent, even the Hebrew lunar calendar is represented,
(see above "5080".)
Importantly, every 6th board fell upon
the join of the 3rd curtain so as to divide the curtain into groupings
of 3 x 4 x 30, which is 12 months, or 360 days! The is highly
Meaning of curtains as 1320 square cubits:
Before we look at the more striking figure of '1260
square cubits' for the curtains, (for that is what they can also
add up to), let us quickly look at the meaning of
the '1320.'
The measurement of '1320' is an interesting number in
the study of the 360 bible calendar. For example, let us say that 1320 square
cubits symbolically represents 1320 years. The total of
all 4 curtain material is thus 1320 x 4 = 5280 symbolic 'years'.
every 480 years in the 360 calendar accumulates exactly 84
months, (which is 1260 x 2 days, or, 7 years of 360 days). A seven-year
period is an
important length of time in the bible, (Rev. 11-12.)
---Every 40 years accumulates 7 leap-months (210 days).
and 40 years times 12 = 480 years.
---Therefore, there are 84 leap months (2520 days) per 480-year period.
The total said figure of 5280 (square cubits) as years
can be divided into 11 480-year units. (480 x 11 = 5280). Therefore, every
5280 years accumulates 77 years of leap months.
---7 years per 480 years, x 11 cycles of
480 = 77 years
The number '77' continues the theme of the 7’s, and in the context of
the Tabernacle reminds us of the message of forgiveness. Jesus said:
"How often shall I forgive my brother, till 77 times (or 70 x 7)?"
This, in turn, agrees with the general meaning of the curtain coverings,
that is, "a covering (forgiveness) for sins by sacrifice."
Meaning of curtains as 1260 square cubits:
(Note the area of the curtain is 30 by 4: There are '30' days
in a month, and '4' seasons in a year.)
The first two "tent
curtains," therefore, can be said to be 1320 + 1260 (2640) square
cubits. This yields an average of 1290 square feet per curtain.
(1290 x 2 = 2640, Daniel 12:11, and is 430 x 6
(= 2640) of Ezekiel 4:4-10, as well.)
Hence, the first two curtains (which
the bible itself groups together) are called, "tent curtains" and
therefore symbolize one seven-year
period (2 x 3.5 years), whereas the outer two coverings (called simply
"coverings") likewise represent a divided seven year period, (just
as the bible divides it, Dan. 9:24-27; 12:11, Rev. 11: 2-3; Rev 12:6).
fact that the 1120 of the first covering of fine linen (without the 200
square cubits for the two entrances) is also 1260 x 2 square feet (as you
said) probably implies prophetically that the Gentiles would be graciously
ushered into the very presence of God, since units of feet are Gentile in
origin, and likely trace back to ancient Babylon. It might also imply "the
abomination of desolation" (Matt. 24; cf., Dan 9:24-27) of 1260 days since the material that covered the
Holy of Holies
was thus 1260 square feet.
Total Material Used
The total material used can be viewed several ways. One way is this:
- The material visible as it was placed piece by piece over the Tabernacle: 1120 + 1260 + 1260 +1260 =
4900 square cubits, which is 70 squared, which is akin to the Dan. 9
figure of 490, (70 x 7). (Recall Jesus' words, "How often shall I forgive my brother, till
seven times? No, but until 70 x 7 times, (or, 77)." These are fitting words for
coverings/curtains.) All these figures directly relate to the temple/Tabernacle
in the prophecies to do with the 7, 430, 1260, 1290, 77 and 490 (70 x 7).
Even the '1120' of the first curtain is (for some reason) one month short of
the '1150' of Dan. 8:14.
'1120' is also, four-squared
times 70.
- Alternatively, the actual total covering material used was, 1120 + 1320 + 1320 +
1320 = 5080 square cubits, which is 1270 square cubits average, (4 x 1270 =
5080). "1270" is a three-and-a-half-year period on the lunar
(moon) Jewish calendar, where as '1260' is based on the solar (sun). Hence, we
have the testimony of both sun and the moon to
the Messiah, Jesus.
Also, the first three curtains, as, 1320 + 1260 + 1260 = 3840, which is the
first major cycle of the 360 calendar.
- The final way the Tabernacle-covering material can be reckoned is in
regard to the grand total of all material used, including the
two curtains used for the entrance: 1320 x 4 = 5280; which works out to 11 x
480, and hence signifies 77 years, as said earlier.
("...Forgive your brother 77 times...")
The Breakdown of the Dimensions
of Each Curtain/Covering
First layer: The linen (first layer) curtain that covered the Holy
Place and the Most Holy Place was an exact 1260 square feet for the
Holy Place, and another 1260 for the Most Holy Place! (As you pointed out in
your informative letter).
Next three layers: There is another important symbolic breakdown
of actual material used for the other three curtains/coverings: 600
square cubits covered the "Most Holy Place," and 660 (+ 60)
square cubits covered the adjacent "Holy Place." The number ‘6’
is being emphasized, which signifies the number of man. (Note: 1320
is 660 + 660). Moreover, these last three coverings are the same in area.
Thus, they can be totaled together: '600' times 3 = 1800 [= 5 x 360],
and '660' + '60' (= 720) times 3 = 2160 [6 x 360], a total of 11 x
360. Thus, again, we have numbers associated with time since
there are '360' days in a prophetic year.
One final point: We said before that the average material used for
the two curtains over top the Tabernacle (and the entrances) was 1290 square
cubits. The Tabernacle itself was divided into two compartments: One-third
was for the Most Holy Place, and the remaining two-third occupied the Holy
Place. This implies that the 1290 (and, or,
1260/1320) can also be split up into the same one-third and two-third
[430 x 1] + [430 x 2] = 1290
Now it happens that they were, in like pattern,
430 years in Egypt, and 430 x 2 more years till they returned
back again into Babylon
and Egypt, (1876, 1446, 586 BC respectively). This is significant
because the Tabernacle dimensions were given to Moses by God in 1446 BC, and
the temple was destroyed by God in 586 BC. (See, "The
Writing on the Wall," for more. There are 1290 years between when
they entered Egypt in 1876 BC, and when they entered Egypt again
at the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC, Jer. 41-44.)
The Ark of the Covenant
A quick note: The cubit volume, perimeter area, and surface areas of the
all-important Ark of the
Covenant (1˝ x 2˝ x 1˝ cubits), placed within the Most Holy Place, can be divided evenly into
For example:
- The perimeter of the atonement cover over the ark was (1˝
+ 2˝ x 2) 8 cubits. And 8 times 45 equals 360.
- The area of the atonement cover over the ark was (1˝ x
2˝) 3.75 square cubits. And 3.75 times 96 equals 360.
- The volume of the Ark equals (1˝ x 2˝ x 1˝) 5.625 cubic
cubits. And 5.625 times 8 squared (64) equals 360.
- The perimeter of the top and sides of the Ark equals 36.
(36 x 10 = 360.)
- The area of all four sides of the Ark equals 12. (12 x 30= 360.)
The dimensions of the Ark of the Covenant are thus tailor-made for the symbolism
of the '360'-day circuit of the sun, and hence, of the 360 calendar. (We
have already shown how that the area of the Tabernacle curtains likewise
interact with the number 360.) This
leads me to conclude that the ' shekinah' glory of God that appeared over the Ark
and lit the room of the Most Holy Place has
it’s parallel in the sun, which He created for His glory. Jesus
said that He was the light of the world that Tabernacled amongst us. Jesus
is the shekinah glory of God! There will come a day when He will replace the
light of the sun (i.e., the shekinah glory of Most Holy Place), and
of the moon (i.e., the lamp of the Holy Place) with Himself; for Jesus
is the Lamp reflecting His Fathers glory forever and ever. Amen! (Rev.
21:22-23; 22:5.)
I have noticed other things to do with the temple, as
it relates to time and the 360-calendar, which the Spirit opened my mind to see a
couple of weeks ago. I have posted them already in this document.
It is interesting that many (most?) ancient temples were coordinated
with the sun and moon and stars--- a counterfeit of the true Tabernacle? Or
positively, perhaps, vestiges of a previous God-centered understanding of the
cosmos? --- Therefore, if pagan temples align to the motions of the sun and
moon (however corrupted over time), it is reasonable to conclude that the precise
dimensions of the Tabernacle given to Moses by God were also related to the
physical heavens. As a matter of fact,
the book of Hebrews repeatedly declares that the Tabernacle is indeed a
shadow and type of the highest heavens, (Heb. 3-10).
So then, what are your own thoughts and conclusions? Did you come up with
basically the same things? How is your construction of the Tabernacle replica coming along? Any other thoughts that you would like to add that I
can post on the Net?
May God richly bless you,
and all that love our Lord with an undying love.
Dean Coombs
Passover-Tabernacle Blood-Moon Tetrads

(Because, 70 jubilees
elapse from the Conquest to AD 2025)
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